A contact form is an alternative to displaying your email address as a link. You have seen a contact form every time you have contacted a business or website owner through a webpage instead of your email program. You can see our active contact form here.
This contact form generator is free. No technical or coding experience is required to generate your contact form. All the PHP and jQuery is written for you. This contact form generator is extremely easy to use and creates the contact form for you. You just need to follow the easy steps.
Your contact form is completely customizable. You can generate any contact form type that you'd like.
It is highly recommended that you use a contact form like the one you can generate below instead of an email address link. Contact forms are more professional, and they are great at preventing spam. A large research study by the Center for Democracy and Technology showed that while obfuscating your email address protects your contact information strongly, a contact form does a much better job at protecting your email address.