Special ASCII Characters and their HTML Entities

Symbol-to-ASCII Converter Widget

ASCII-to-Symbol Converter Widget


The following is a list of special characters in ASCII together with their HTML entities. Many of the characters have special HTML entities. Those are included in the column labeled "Special code / HTML entity". The vast majority of these characters are new to HTML 4, but are generally supported by every browser.

To display the character in an HTML document, type the ASCII code directly into your HTML code.

To enter the symbols in Microsoft Windows from decimal code 33 to 255, press and hold the left Alt key, then on the number pad (only on the number pad, not on the number rows above the letters on the keyboard), type 0 followed by the decimal code for the symbol, and release the Alt key. For example, to obtain the inverted question mark (¿) in Microsoft Windows, press and hold Alt, and type 0, 1, 9, 1, and then release the Alt key.

To enter the rest of the symbols on this page in a document other than an HTML document, simply copy and paste them from this page. Unfortunately there is no tried and true method of typing all these symbols into other text inputs. Microsoft Office and Microsoft Word do both have unicode input tools, but they are not as complete as this website.

To enter the following symbols on a Mac; enable Unicode hex through System Preferences → International → Input Menu → Unicode Hex Input. You can then switch to this input, hold down the Option key, and enter the hex code (not the decimal code).

Included in this chart are alternative ASCII entities for spaces between 127 and 159, which most browsers have now allocated to commonly used symbols such as the € (Euro) symbol.

If you want to go in the reverse direction and convert a symbol to its ascii equivalent, use the widget above.

Be sure to add the following code to the top of your page before the closing </head> tag: <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />

Character Name Decimal code Hex code Special code / HTML entity
! Exclamation point &#33; &#x21;
" Quotation mark &#34; &#x22; &quot;
# Number sign; Hash key; Pound sign &#35; &#x23;
$ Dollar sign; Peso sign; String sign &#36; &#x24;
% Percent sign; &#37; &#x25;
& Ampersand; Epershand; And sign &#38; &#x26; &amp;
' Apostrophe; Prime symbol &#39; &#x27;
( Left parenthesis; Left round bracket; Left paren &#40; &#x28; &lparen;
) Right parenthesis; Right round bracket; Right paren &#41; &#x29; &rparen;
* Asterisk; Star &#42; &#x2a;
+ Plus sign &#43; &#x2b;
, Comma &#44; &#x2c;
- Hyphen; Hyphen minus sign &#45; &#x2d;
. Period; Dot; Full stop &#46; &#x2e;
/ Slash; Forward slash; Fraction bar &#47; &#x2f;
0 Zero; 0 &#48; &#x30;
1 One; 1 &#49; &#x31;
2 Two; 2 &#50; &#x32;
3 Three; 3 &#51; &#x33;
4 Four; 4 &#52; &#x34;
5 Five; 5 &#53; &#x35;
6 Six; 6 &#54; &#x36;
7 Seven; 7 &#55; &#x37;
8 Eight; 8 &#56; &#x38;
9 Nine; 9 &#57; &#x39;
: Colon &#58; &#x3a;
; Semicolon &#59; &#x3b;
< Less than symbol; Left angle bracket &#60; &#x3c; &lt;
= Equal sign; Equality symbol &#61; &#x3d;
> Greater than symbol; Right angle bracket &#62; &#x3e; &gt;
? Question mark &#63; &#x3f;
@ At symbol; Commercial at; Directed at; Located at; Approximately at; Alias symbol &#64; &#x40;
A Capital A &#65; &#x41;
B Capital B &#66; &#x42;
C Capital C &#67; &#x43;
D Capital D &#68; &#x44;
E Capital E &#69; &#x45;
F Capital F &#70; &#x46;
G Capital G &#71; &#x47;
H Capital H &#72; &#x48;
I Capital I &#73; &#x49;
J Capital J &#74; &#x4a;
K Capital K &#75; &#x4b;
L Capital L &#76; &#x4c;
M Capital M &#77; &#x4d;
N Capital N &#78; &#x4e;
O Capital O &#79; &#x4f;
P Capital P &#80; &#x50;
Q Capital Q &#81; &#x51;
R Capital R &#82; &#x52;
S Capital S &#83; &#x53;
T Capital T &#84; &#x54;
U Capital U &#85; &#x55;
V Capital V &#86; &#x56;
W Capital W &#87; &#x57;
X Capital X &#88; &#x58;
Y Capital Y &#89; &#x59;
Z Capital Z &#90; &#x5a;
[ Left square bracket &#91; &#x5b;
\ Backslash &#92; &#x5c;
] Right square bracket &#93; &#x5d;
^ Caret; Circumflex accent; Up arrow; Hat; Chevron; Control character &#94; &#x5e;
_ Underscore; Understrike; Underbar; Underline &#95; &#x5f;
` Grave accent &#96; &#x60;
a Lower case a &#97; &#x61;
b Lower case b &#98; &#x62;
c Lower case c &#99; &#x63;
d Lower case d &#100; &#x64;
e Lower case e &#101; &#x65;
f Lower case f &#102; &#x66;
g Lower case g &#103; &#x67;
h Lower case h &#104; &#x68;
i Lower case i &#105; &#x69;
j Lower case j &#106; &#x6a;
k Lower case k &#107; &#x6b;
l Lower case l &#108; &#x6c;
m Lower case m &#109; &#x6d;
n Lower case n &#110; &#x6e;
o Lower case o &#111; &#x6f;
p Lower case p &#112; &#x70;
q Lower case q &#113; &#x71;
r Lower case r &#114; &#x72;
s Lower case s &#115; &#x73;
t Lower case t &#116; &#x74;
u Lower case u &#117; &#x75;
v Lower case v &#118; &#x76;
w Lower case w &#119; &#x77;
x Lower case x &#120; &#x78;
y Lower case y &#121; &#x79;
z Lower case z &#122; &#x7a;
{ Left curly brace; Left curly bracket &#123; &#x7b;
| Vertical bar; Pipe; Sheffer stroke; Absolute value symbol; Norm symbol; Nand symbol; Or symbol; Solid vertical bar &#124; &#x7c;
} Right curly brace; Right curly bracket &#125; &#x7d;
~ Tilde; Mathematical similar symbol; Mathematical equivalent symbol; Logical negation symbol &#126; &#x7e;
[] Delete control character &#127; &#x7f;
  Non-breaking space &#160; &#xa0; &nbsp;
¡ Inverted exclamation point; Inverted exclamation mark &#161; &#xa1; &iexcl;
¢ Cent symbol &#162; &#xa2; &cent;
£ Pound Sterling sign; Pound Sterling symbol; Lira sign &#163; &#xa3; &pound;
¤ General currency sign &#164; &#xa4; &curren;
¥ Japanese Yen currency sign; Yen symbol &#165; &#xa5; &yen;
¦ Broken vertical bar; Pipe; Sheffer stroke; Broken bar &#166; &#xa6; &brvbar;
§ Section sign; Double S; Sectional symbol &#167; &#xa7; &sect; or Alt-21 on the number pad
¨ Umlaut; Dieresis &#168; &#xa8; &uml; or &die;
© Copyright symbol; Copr symbol &#169; &#xa9; &copy;
ª Feminine ordinal indicator &#170; &#xaa; &ordf;
« Left angle quotation marks &#171; &#xab; &laquo;
¬ Logical negation symbol; Logical complement; Not symbol &#172; &#xac; &not;
® Registered trademark symbol &#174; &#xae; &reg;
¯ Macron accent; Macron symbol; Macron &#175; &#xaf; &macr;
° Degree sign; Degree symbol &#176; &#xb0; &deg;
± Plus-minus sign; Error symbol; Plus or minus; Precision indicator; White chess advantage notation &#177; &#xb1; &plusmn;
² Superscript 2; Exponent 2 &#178; &#xb2; &sup2;
³ Superscript 3; Exponent 3 &#179; &#xb3; &sup3;
´ Acute accent; Sharp accent; High accent &#180; &#xb4; &acute;
µ Lower case Greek letter mu; Science symbol for micro; µ &#181; &#xb5; &micro;
Paragraph symbol; pilcrow; Blind P; Paragraph mark; Paraph; Alinea &#182; &#xb6; &para; or Alt-20 on the number pad
· Middle dot; Interpunct; Interpoint; Dot operator; Dot product operator; Fullwidth; Inner dot; Ponch naut &#183; &#xb7; &middot;
¸ Cedilla; Cedilha; cédille; Hook tail &#184; &#xb8; &cedil;
¹ Superscript 1; Exponent 1 &#185; &#xb9; &sup1;
º Masculine ordinal indicator &#186; &#xba; &ordm;
» Right angle quotation marks &#187; &#xbb; &raquo;
¼ Fraction 1/4; Fraction one fourth &#188; &#xbc; &frac14;
½ Fraction 1/2; Fraction one half &#189; &#xbd; &frac12;
¾ Fraction 3/4; Fraction three quarters &#190; &#xbe; &frac34;
¿ Inverted question mark &#191; &#xbf; &iquest;
À Capital A, grave accent &#192; &#xc0; &Agrave;
Á Capital A acute accent &#193; &#xc1; &Aacute;
 Capital A circumflex accent &#194; &#xc2; &Acirc;
à Capital A tilde &#195; &#xc3; &Atilde;
Ä Capital A umlaut, Capital A dieresis mark &#196; &#xc4; &Auml;
Å Capital A ring &#197; &#xc5; &Aring;
Æ Capital AE ligature; Dipthong; Aesc; Ash &#198; &#xc6; &Aelig;
Ç Capital C cedilla &#199; &#xc7; &Ccedil;
È Capital E grave accent &#200; &#xc8; &Egrave;
É Capital E acute accent &#201; &#xc9; &Eacute;
Ê Capital E circumflex accent &#202; &#xca; &Ecirc;
Ë Capital E umlaut; Capital E dieresis mark &#203; &#xcb; &Euml;
Ì Capital I grave accent &#204; &#xcc; &Igrave;
Í Capital I acute accent &#205; &#xcd; &Iacute;
Î Capital I circumflex accent &#206; &#xce; &Icirc;
Ï Capital I umlaut; Capital I dieresis mark &#207; &#xcf; &Iuml;
Ð Capital Eth, Icelandic; Capital Edh; D-stroke &#208; &#xd0; &ETH;
Ñ Capital N tilde; Capital enye &#209; &#xd1; &Ntilde;
Ò Capital O grave accent &#210; &#xd2; &Ograve;
Ó Capital O acute accent &#211; &#xd3; &Oacute;
Ô Capital O circumflex accent &#212; &#xd4; &Ocirc;
Õ Capital O tilde &#213; &#xd5; &Otilde;
Ö Capital O umlaut; Capital O dieresis mark &#214; &#xd6; &Ouml;
× Multiplication symbol; Times sign; St. Anderew's Cross; Dimension sign; Into sign &#215; &#xd7; &times;
Ø Capital O slash; Empty set symbol; Nullset symbol; Null set &#216; &#xd8; &Oslash;, \varnothing in TeX, or \empty in TeX
Ù Capital U grave accent &#217; &#xd9; &Ugrave;
Ú Capital S-comma &#218; &#xda;
Û Lowercase s-comma &#219; &#xdb;
Ü Capital U umlaut; Capital U dieresis mark &#220; &#xdc; &Uuml;
Ý Capital Y acute accent &#221; &#xdd; &Yacute;
Þ Capital Thorn, Icelandic; Middle English Th &#222; &#xde; &THORN;
ß Small sz ligature, German; Eszett; Scharfes S; Sharp S &#223; &#xdf; &szlig;
à Lower case a grave accent &#224; &#xe0; &agrave;
á Lower case a acute accent &#225; &#xe1; &aacute;
â Lower case a circumflex accent &#226; &#xe2; &acirc;
ã Lower case a tilde &#227; &#xe3; &atilde;
ä Lower case umlaut; Lower case a dieresis mark &#228; &#xe4; &auml;
å Lower case a ring &#229; &#xe5; &aring;
æ Lower case ae ligature; Dipthong &#230; &#xe6; &aelig;
ç Lower case c cedilla &#231; &#xe7; &ccedil;
è Lower case e grave accent &#232; &#xe8; &egrave;
é Lower case e acute accent &#233; &#xe9; &eacute;
ê Lower case e circumflex accent &#234; &#xea; &ecirc;
ë Lower case e umlaut; Lower case e dieresis mark &#235; &#xeb; &euml;
ì Lower case i grave accent &#236; &#xec; &igrave;
í Lower case i acute accent &#237; &#xed; &iacute;
î Lower case i circumflex accent &#238; &#xee; &icirc;
ï Lower case i umlaut; Lower case i dieresis &#239; &#xef; &iuml;
ð Lower case eth, Icelandic; Lower case edh &#240; &#xf0; &eth;
ñ Lower case n tilde; Lower case enye &#241; &#xf1; &ntilde;
ò Lower case o grave accent &#242; &#xf2; &ograve;
ó Lower case o acute accent &#243; &#xf3; &oacute;
ô Lower case o circumflex accent &#244; &#xf4; &ocirc;
õ Lower case o tilde &#245; &#xf5; &otilde;
ö Lower case o umlaut; Lower case o dieresis &#246; &#xf6; &ouml;
÷ Division symbol; Obelus; Division sign &#247; &#xf7; &divide;
ø Lower case o slash; Empty set symbol; Nullset symbol; Null set &#248; &#xf8; &oslash;
ù Lower case u grave accent &#249; &#xf9; &ugrave;
ú Lower case u acute accent &#250; &#xfa; &uacute;
û Lower case u circumflex accent &#251; &#xfb; &ucirc;
ü Lower case u umlaut; Lower case u dieresis &#252; &#xfc; &uuml;
ý Lower case y acute accent &#253; &#xfd; &yacute;
þ Lower case thorn, Icelandic; Middle English th &#254; &#xfe; &thorn;
ÿ Lower case y umlaut; Lower case y dieresis mark &#255; &#xff; &yuml;
Ă Capital A-breve &#258; &#x102;
ă Lowercase a-breve &#259; &#x103;
Č Capital C-hachek &#268; &#x10c;
č Lower case c-hachek &#269; &#x10d;
ď Lowercase d-apostrophe &#271; &#x10f;
Ğ Capital G-breve &#286; &#x11e;
ğ Lowercase g-breve &#287; &#x11f;
İ Capital I-dotted &#304; &#x130;
ı Lowercase i-dotless &#305; &#x131;
Ĺ Capital L-acute &#313; &#x139;
ĺ Lowercase l-acute &#314; &#x13a;
Ł Capital L-bar &#321; &#x141;
ł Lowercase l-bar &#322; &#x142;
Ň Capital N-hachek &#327; &#x147;
ň Lowercase n-hachek &#328; &#x148;
Ő Capital O double-acute &#336; &#x150; \H{O} in TeX
ő Lowercase o double-acute, as in the name "Erdős" &#337; &#x151; \H{o} in TeX
Œ Capital OE ligature; Odal; Ethel &#338; &#x152; &OElig; (not recommended: &#140;)
œ Lower case OE ligature; Odal; Ethel &#339; &#x153; &oelig; (not recommended: &#156;)
Ŕ Capital R-acute &#340; &#x154;
ŕ Lowercase r-acute &#341; &#x155;
Ř Capital R-hachek &#344; &#x158;
ř Lowercase r-hachek &#345; &#x159;
Ş Capital S-cedilla &#350; &#x15e;
ş Lowercase s-cedilla &#351; &#x15f;
Š Capital S-hachek &#352; &#x160;
š Lowercase s-hachek &#353; &#x161;
Ţ Capital T-cedilla &#354; &#x162;
ţ Lowercase t-cedilla &#355; &#x163;
ť Lowercase t-apostrophe &#357; &#x165;
Ű Capital U double-acute &#368; &#x170; \H{U} in TeX
ű Lowercase u double-acute &#369; &#x171; \H{u} in TeX
Ÿ Capital Y umlaut; Capital Y dieresis mark &#376; &#x178; &Yuml;
Ż Capital Z-dot &#379; &#x17b;
ż Lowercase z-dot &#380; &#x17c;
Ž Capital Z-hachek &#381; &#x17d;
ž Lowercase z-hachek &#382; &#x17e;
ƒ Florin sign; Latin f; Gulden symbol &#402; &#x192; &fnof; (not recommended: &#131;)
Ȁ Capital A double-grave &#512; &#x200;
ȁ Lowercase a double-grave &#513; &#x201;
Ȅ Capital E double-grave &#516; &#x204;
ȅ Lowercase e double-grave &#517; &#x205;
Ȉ Capital I double-grave &#520; &#x208;
ȉ Lowercase i double-grave &#521; &#x209;
Ȍ Capital O double-grave &#524; &#x20c;
ȍ Lowercase o double-grave &#525; &#x20d;
Ȑ Capital R double-grave &#528; &#x210;
ȑ Lowercase r double-grave &#529; &#x211;
Ȕ Capital U double-grave &#532; &#x214;
ȕ Lowercase u double-grave &#533; &#x215;
Ț Capital T-comma &#538; &#x21a;
ț Lowercase t-comma &#539; &#x21b;
ˆ Circumflex accent; Hat symbol; Roof symbol; Caret &#710; &#x2c6; &circ; (not recommended: &#136;)
˜ Small tilde; Raised tilde &#732; &#x2dc; (not recommended: &#152;)
̀ Combining grave accent; Combingin Greek varia &#768; &#x300;
́ Combining acute accent; Combining stress mark; Combining Greek oxia, tones &#769; &#x301;
̂ Combining circumflex accent; Combining hat &#770; &#x302;
̃ Combining tilde; Combining IPA nazalization; Combining Vietnamese tone mark &#771; &#x303;
̄ Combining macron; Combining long accent &#772; &#x304;
̅ Combining overline; Combining overscore; Combining vinculum &#773; &#x305;
̆ Combining breve; Combining short accent; Combining Greek vrachy &#774; &#x306;
̇ Combining dot above; Combining derivative operator (Newtonian notation) &#775; &#x307;
̈ Combining diaresis; Combining double dot above; Combining umlaut &#776; &#x308;
̉ Combining hook above; Combining hoi &#777; &#x309;
̊ Combining ring above &#778; &#x30a;
̋ Combining double acute accent &#779; &#x30b;
̌ Combining caron; Combining hacek &#780; &#x30c;
̍ Combining vertical line above &#781; &#x30d;
̎ Combining double vertical line above &#782; &#x30e;
̏ Combining double grave accent &#783; &#x30f;
̐ Combining candrabindu &#784; &#x310;
̑ Combining inverted breve &#785; &#x311;
̒ Combining turned comma above; Combining cedilla above &#786; &#x312;
̓ Combining comma above; Combining Greek psili; Combining smooth breathing mark &#787; &#x313;
̔ Combining reversed comma above; Combining Greek dasia; Combining rough breathing mark &#788; &#x314;
̕ Combining comma above right &#789; &#x315;
̖ Combining grave accent below &#790; &#x316;
̗ Combining acute accent below &#791; &#x317;
̘ Combining left tack below &#792; &#x318;
̙ Combining right tack below &#793; &#x319;
̚ Combining left angle above &#794; &#x31a;
̛ Combining horn &#795; &#x31b;
̜ Combining left half ring below &#796; &#x31c;
̝ Combining up tack below &#797; &#x31d;
̞ Combining down tack below &#798; &#x31e;
̟ Combining plus sign below &#799; &#x31f;
̠ Combining minus sign below &#800; &#x320;
̡ Combining palatalized hook below &#801; &#x321;
̢ Combining retroflex hook below &#802; &#x322;
̣ Combining dot below; Combining nang &#803; &#x323;
̤ Combining diaresis below &#804; &#x324;
̥ Combining ring below &#805; &#x325;
̦ Combining comma below &#806; &#x326;
̧ Combining cedilla &#807; &#x327;
̨ Combining ogonek; Combining nasal hook &#808; &#x328;
̩ Combining vertical line below &#809; &#x329;
̪ Combining bridge below &#810; &#x32a;
̫ Combining inverted double arch below &#811; &#x32b;
̬ Combining caron below &#812; &#x32c;
̭ Combining circumflex accent below &#813; &#x32d;
̮ Combining breve below &#814; &#x32e;
̯ Combining inverted breve below &#815; &#x32f;
̰ Combining tilde below &#816; &#x330;
̱ Combining macron below &#817; &#x331;
̲ Combining low line; Combining underline; Combining underscore &#818; &#x332;
̳ Combining double low line; Combining double underline; Combining double underscore &#819; &#x333;
̴ Combining tilde overlay &#820; &#x334;
̵ Combining short stroke overlay; Combining short strikethrough; Combining short strikeout &#821; &#x335;
̶ Combining long stroke overlay; Combining long strikethrough; Combining long strikeout &#822; &#x336;
̷ Combining short solidus overlay; Combining short slash overlay &#823; &#x337;
̸ Combining long solidus overlay; Combining long slash overlay &#824; &#x338;
̹ Combining right half ring below &#825; &#x339;
̺ Combining inverted bridge below &#826; &#x33a;
̻ Combining square below &#827; &#x33b;
̼ Combining seagull below &#828; &#x33c;
̽ Combining x above &#829; &#x33d;
̾ Combining vertical tilde above; Combining yerik &#830; &#x33e;
̿ Combining double overline &#831; &#x33f;
̀ Combining Vietnamese grave tone mark &#832; &#x340;
́ Combining Vietnamese acute tone mark &#833; &#x341;
͂ Combining Greek perisponemi &#834; &#x342;
̓ Combining Greek koronis &#835; &#x343;
̈́ Combining Greek dialytika tonos &#836; &#x344;
ͅ Combining Greek ypogegrammeni; Combining Greek non-spacing iota below; Combining iota subscript &#837; &#x345;
͆ Combining bridge above; Combining IPA dentolabial &#838; &#x346;
͇ Combining equals sign below; Combining IPA alveolar &#839; &#x347;
͈ Combining double vertical line below; Combining IPA strong articulation &#840; &#x348;
͉ Combining left angle below; Combining IPA weak articulation &#841; &#x349;
͊ Combining not tilde above; Combining IPA denasal &#842; &#x34a;
͋ Combining homothetic above; Combining IPA nasal escape &#843; &#x34b;
͌ Combining almost equal above; Combining IPA velopharyngeal friction &#844; &#x34c;
͍ Combining left right arrow below; Combining IPA labial spreading &#845; &#x34d;
͎ Combining upwards arrow below; Combining IPA whistled articulation &#846; &#x34e;
͏ Combining grapheme joiner (has no visible glyph, does not join graphemes) &#847; &#x34f;
͐ Combining right arrowhead above &#848; &#x350;
͑ Combining left half ring above &#849; &#x351;
͒ Combining fermata &#850; &#x352;
͓ Combining x below &#851; &#x353;
͔ Combining left arrowhead below &#852; &#x354;
͕ Combining right arrowhead below &#853; &#x355;
͖ Combining right arrowhead and up arrowhead below &#854; &#x356;
͗ Combining right half ring above &#855; &#x357;
͘ Combining dot above right &#856; &#x358;
͙ Combining asterisk below &#857; &#x359;
͚ Combining double ring below &#858; &#x35a;
͛ Combining zigzag above &#859; &#x35b;
͜ Combining double breve below; Combining ligature tie below; Combining papyrological hyphen &#860; &#x35c;
͝ Combining double breve &#861; &#x35d;
͞ Combining double macron &#862; &#x35e;
͟ Combining double macron below &#863; &#x35f;
͠ Combining double tilde &#864; &#x360;
͡ Combining double inverted breve; Combining ligature tie &#865; &#x361;
͢ Combining double rightwards arrow below; Combining IPA sliding articulation &#866; &#x362;
ͣ Combining Latin lowercase a &#867; &#x363;
ͤ Combining Latin lowercase e &#868; &#x364;
ͥ Combining lowercase i &#869; &#x365;
ͦ Combining lowercase o &#870; &#x366;
ͧ Combining lowercase u &#871; &#x367;
ͨ Combining lowercase c &#872; &#x368;
ͩ Combining lowercase d &#873; &#x369;
ͪ Combining lowercase h &#874; &#x36a;
ͫ Combining lowercase m &#875; &#x36b;
ͬ Combining lowercase r &#876; &#x36c;
ͭ Combining lowercase t &#877; &#x36d;
ͮ Combining lowercase v &#878; &#x36e;
ͯ Combining lowercase x &#879; &#x36f;
Α Greek capital Alpha &#913; &#x391; &Alpha;
Β Greek capital Beta &#914; &#x392; &Beta;
Γ Greek capital Gamma &#915; &#x393; &Gamma;
Δ Greek capital Delta &#916; &#x394; &Delta;
Ε Greek capital Epsilon &#917; &#x395; &Epsilon;
Ζ Greek capital Zeta &#918; &#x396; &Zeta;
Η Greek capital Eta &#919; &#x397; &Eta;
Θ Greek capital Theta &#920; &#x398; &Theta;
Ι Greek capital Iota &#921; &#x399; &Iota;
Κ Greek capital Kappa &#922; &#x39a; &Kappa;
Λ Greek capital Lambda &#923; &#x39b; &Lambda;
Μ Greek capital Mu &#924; &#x39c; &Mu;
Ν Greek capital Nu &#925; &#x39d; &Nu;
Ξ Greek capital Xi &#926; &#x39e; &Xi;
Ο Greek capital Omicron &#927; &#x39f; &Omicron;
Π Greek capital Pi &#928; &#x3a0; &Pi;
Ρ Greek capital Rho &#929; &#x3a1; &Rho;
Σ Greek capital Sigma &#931; &#x3a3; &Sigma;
Τ Greek capital Tau &#932; &#x3a4; &Tau;
Υ Greek capital Upsilon &#933; &#x3a5; &Upsilon;
Φ Greek capital Phi &#934; &#x3a6; &Phi;
Χ Greek capital Chi &#935; &#x3a7; &Chi;
Ψ Greek capital Psi &#936; &#x3a8; &Psi;
Ω Greek capital Omega &#937; &#x3a9; &Omega;
α Greek lower case alpha &#945; &#x3b1; &alpha;
β Greek lower case beta &#946; &#x3b2; &beta;
γ Greek lower case gamma &#947; &#x3b3; &gamma;
δ Greek lower case delta &#948; &#x3b4; &delta;
ε Greek lower case epsilon &#949; &#x3b5; &epsilon;
ζ Greek lower case zeta &#950; &#x3b6; &zeta;
η Greek lower case eta &#951; &#x3b7; &eta;
θ Greek lower case theta &#952; &#x3b8; &theta;
ι Greek lower case iota &#953; &#x3b9; &iota;
κ Greek lower case kappa &#954; &#x3ba; &kappa;
λ Greek lower case lambda &#955; &#x3bb; &lambda;
μ Greek lower case mu &#956; &#x3bc; &mu;
ν Greek lower case nu &#957; &#x3bd; &nu;
ξ Greek lower case xi &#958; &#x3be; &xi;
ο Greek lower case omicron &#959; &#x3bf; &omicron;
π Greek lower case pi &#960; &#x3c0; &pi;
ρ Greek lower case rho &#961; &#x3c1; &rho;
ς Greek lower case final sigma &#962; &#x3c2; &sigmaf;
σ Greek lower case sigma &#963; &#x3c3; &sigma;
τ Greek lower case tau &#964; &#x3c4; &tau;
υ Greek lower case upsilon &#965; &#x3c5; &upsilon;
φ Greek lower case phi &#966; &#x3c6; &phi;
χ Greek lower case chi &#967; &#x3c7; &chi;
ψ Greek lower case psi &#968; &#x3c8; &psi;
ω Greek lower case omega &#969; &#x3c9; &omega;
Ϝ Capital Digamma &#988; &#x3dc;
ϝ Lowercase Digamma &#989; &#x3dd;
А Russian capital letter А; 1st capital letter of the Russian alphabet &#1040; &#x410;
Б Russian capital letter Б; 2nd capital letter of the Russian alphabet &#1041; &#x411;
В Russian capital letter В; 3rd capital letter of the Russian alphabet &#1042; &#x412;
Г Russian capital letter Г; 4th capital letter of the Russian alphabet &#1043; &#x413;
Д Russian capital letter Д; 5th capital letter of the Russian alphabet &#1044; &#x414;
Е Russian capital letter Е; 6th capital letter of the Russian alphabet &#1045; &#x415;
Ж Russian capital letter Ж; 7th capital letter of the Russian alphabet &#1046; &#x416;
З Russian capital letter З; 8th capital letter of the Russian alphabet &#1047; &#x417;
И Russian capital letter И; 9th capital letter of the Russian alphabet &#1048; &#x418;
Й Russian capital letter Й; 10th capital letter of the Russian alphabet &#1049; &#x419;
К Russian capital letter К; 11th capital letter of the Russian alphabet &#1050; &#x41a;
Л Russian capital letter Л; 12th capital letter of the Russian alphabet &#1051; &#x41b;
М Russian capital letter М; 13th capital letter of the Russian alphabet &#1052; &#x41c;
Н Russian capital letter Н; 14th capital letter of the Russian alphabet &#1053; &#x41d;
О Russian capital letter О; 15th capital letter of the Russian alphabet &#1054; &#x41e;
П Russian capital letter П; 16th capital letter of the Russian alphabet &#1055; &#x41f;
Р Russian capital letter Р; 17th capital letter of the Russian alphabet &#1056; &#x420;
С Russian capital letter С; 18th capital letter of the Russian alphabet &#1057; &#x421;
Т Russian capital letter Т; 19th capital letter of the Russian alphabet &#1058; &#x422;
У Russian capital letter У; 20th capital letter of the Russian alphabet &#1059; &#x423;
Ф Russian capital letter Ф; 21st capital letter of the Russian alphabet &#1060; &#x424;
Х Russian capital letter Х; 22nd capital letter of the Russian alphabet &#1061; &#x425;
Ц Russian capital letter Ц; 23rd capital letter of the Russian alphabet &#1062; &#x426;
Ч Russian capital letter Ч; 24th capital letter of the Russian alphabet &#1063; &#x427;
Ш Russian capital letter Ш; 25th capital letter of the Russian alphabet &#1064; &#x428;
Щ Russian capital letter Щ; 26th capital letter of the Russian alphabet &#1065; &#x429;
Ъ Russian capital letter Ъ; 27th capital letter of the Russian alphabet &#1066; &#x42a;
Ы Russian capital letter Ы; 28th capital letter of the Russian alphabet &#1067; &#x42b;
Ь Russian capital letter Ь; 29th capital letter of the Russian alphabet &#1068; &#x42c;
Э Russian capital letter Э; 30th capital letter of the Russian alphabet &#1069; &#x42d;
Ю Russian capital letter Ю; 31st capital letter of the Russian alphabet &#1070; &#x42e;
Я Russian capital letter Я; 32nd capital letter of the Russian alphabet &#1071; &#x42f;
а Russian lower case letter а; 1st lower case letter of the Russian alphabet &#1072; &#x430;
б Russian lower case letter б; 2nd lower case letter of the Russian alphabet &#1073; &#x431;
в Russian lower case letter в; 3rd lower case letter of the Russian alphabet &#1074; &#x432;
г Russian lower case letter г; 4th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet &#1075; &#x433;
д Russian lower case letter д; 5th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet &#1076; &#x434;
е Russian lower case letter е; 6th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet &#1077; &#x435;
ж Russian lower case letter ж; 7th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet &#1078; &#x436;
з Russian lower case letter з; 8th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet &#1079; &#x437;
и Russian lower case letter и; 9th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet &#1080; &#x438;
й Russian lower case letter й; 10th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet &#1081; &#x439;
к Russian lower case letter к; 11th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet &#1082; &#x43a;
л Russian lower case letter л; 12th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet &#1083; &#x43b;
м Russian lower case letter м; 13th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet &#1084; &#x43c;
н Russian lower case letter н; 14th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet &#1085; &#x43d;
о Russian lower case letter о; 15th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet &#1086; &#x43e;
п Russian lower case letter п; 16th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet &#1087; &#x43f;
р Russian lower case letter р; 17th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet &#1088; &#x440;
с Russian lower case letter с; 18th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet &#1089; &#x441;
т Russian lower case letter т; 19th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet &#1090; &#x442;
у Russian lower case letter у; 20th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet &#1091; &#x443;
ф Russian lower case letter ф; 21st lower case letter of the Russian alphabet &#1092; &#x444;
х Russian lower case letter х; 22nd lower case letter of the Russian alphabet &#1093; &#x445;
ц Russian lower case letter ц; 23rd lower case letter of the Russian alphabet &#1094; &#x446;
ч Russian lower case letter ч; 24th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet &#1095; &#x447;
ш Russian lower case letter ш; 25th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet &#1096; &#x448;
щ Russian lower case letter щ; 26th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet &#1097; &#x449;
ъ Russian lower case letter ъ; 27th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet &#1098; &#x44a;
ы Russian lower case letter ы; 28th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet &#1099; &#x44b;
ь Russian lower case letter ь; 29th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet &#1100; &#x44c;
э Russian lower case letter э; 30th lower case letter of the Russian alphabet &#1101; &#x44d;
ю Russian lower case letter ю; 31st lower case letter of the Russian alphabet &#1102; &#x44e;
я Russian lower case letter я; 32nd lower case letter of the Russian alphabet &#1103; &#x44f;
֑ Hebrew accent Etnahta; Hebrew accent ֑ &#1425; &#x591;
֒ Hebrew accent Segol; Hebrew accent ֒ &#1426; &#x592;
֓ Hebrew accent Shalshelet; Hebrew accent ֓ &#1427; &#x593;
֔ Hebrew accent Zaqef Qatan; Hebrew accent ֔ &#1428; &#x594;
֕ Hebrew accent Zaqef Gadol; Hebrew accent ֕ &#1429; &#x595;
֖ Hebrew accent Tipeha; Hebrew accent ֖ &#1430; &#x596;
֗ Hebrew accent Revia; Hebrew accent ֗ &#1431; &#x597;
֘ Hebrew accent Aarqa; Hebrew accent ֘ &#1432; &#x598;
֙ Hebrew accent Pashta; Hebrew accent ֙ &#1433; &#x599;
֚ Hebrew accent Yetiv; Hebrew accent ֚ &#1434; &#x59a;
֛ Hebrew accent Tevir; Hebrew accent ֛ &#1435; &#x59b;
֜ Hebrew accent Geresh; Hebrew accent ֜ &#1436; &#x59c;
֝ Hebrew accent Geresh Muqdam; Hebrew accent ֝ &#1437; &#x59d;
֞ Hebrew accent Gershayim; Hebrew accent ֞ &#1438; &#x59e;
֟ Hebrew accent Qarney Para; Hebrew accent ֟ &#1439; &#x59f;
֠ Hebrew accent Telisha Gedola; Hebrew accent ֠ &#1440; &#x5a0;
֡ Hebrew accent Pazer; Hebrew accent ֡ &#1441; &#x5a1;
֢ Hebrew accent Atnah Hafukh; Hebrew accent ֢ &#1442; &#x5a2;
֣ Hebrew accent Munah; Hebrew accent ֣ &#1443; &#x5a3;
֤ Hebrew accent Mahapakh; Hebrew accent ֤ &#1444; &#x5a4;
֥ Hebrew accent Merkha; Hebrew accent ֥ &#1445; &#x5a5;
֦ Hebrew accent Merkha Kefula; Hebrew accent ֦ &#1446; &#x5a6;
֧ Hebrew accent Darga; Hebrew accent ֧ &#1447; &#x5a7;
֨ Hebrew accent Qadma; Hebrew accent ֨ &#1448; &#x5a8;
֩ Hebrew accent Telisha Qetana; Hebrew accent ֩ &#1449; &#x5a9;
֪ Hebrew accent Yerah Ben Yomo; Hebrew accent ֪ &#1450; &#x5aa;
֫ Hebrew accent Ole; Hebrew accent ֫ &#1451; &#x5ab;
֬ Hebrew accent Iluy; Hebrew accent ֬ &#1452; &#x5ac;
֭ Hebrew accent Dehi; Hebrew accent ֭ &#1453; &#x5ad;
֮ Hebrew accent Zinor; Hebrew accent ֮ &#1454; &#x5ae;
֯ Hebrew mark Masora Circle; Hebrew mark ֯ &#1455; &#x5af;
ְ Hebrew point Sheva; Hebrew point ְ &#1456; &#x5b0;
ֱ Hebrew point Hataf Segol; Hebrew point ֱ &#1457; &#x5b1;
ֲ Hebrew point Hataf Patah; Hebrew point ֲ &#1458; &#x5b2;
ֳ Hebrew point Hataf Qamats; Hebrew point ֳ &#1459; &#x5b3;
ִ Hebrew point Hiriq; Hebrew point ִ &#1460; &#x5b4;
ֵ Hebrew point Tsere; Hebrew point ֵ &#1461; &#x5b5;
ֶ Hebrew point Segol; Hebrew point ֶ &#1462; &#x5b6;
ַ Hebrew point Patah; Hebrew point ַ &#1463; &#x5b7;
ָ Hebrew point Qamats; Hebrew point ָ &#1464; &#x5b8;
ֹ Hebrew point Holam; Hebrew point ֹ &#1465; &#x5b9;
ֺ Hebrew point Holam Haser for Vav; Hebrew point ֺ &#1466; &#x5ba;
ֻ Hebrew point Qubuts; Hebrew point ֻ &#1467; &#x5bb;
ּ Hebrew point Dagesh or Mapiq; Hebrew point ּ &#1468; &#x5bc;
ֽ Hebrew point Meteg; Hebrew point ֽ &#1469; &#x5bd;
־ Hebrew punctuation Maqaf ; Hebrew punctuation ־ &#1470; &#x5be;
ֿ Hebrew point Rafe; Hebrew point ֿ &#1471; &#x5bf;
׀ Hebrew punctuation Paseq; Hebrew punctuation ׀ &#1472; &#x5c0;
ׁ Hebrew point Shin Dot; Hebrew point ׁ &#1473; &#x5c1;
ׂ Hebrew point Sin Dot; Hebrew point ׂ &#1474; &#x5c2;
׃ Hebrew punctuation Sof Pasuq; Hebrew punctuation ׃ &#1475; &#x5c3;
ׄ Hebrew mark upper dot; Hebrew mark ׄ &#1476; &#x5c4;
ׅ Hebrew mark lower dot; Hebrew mark ׅ &#1477; &#x5c5;
׆ Hebrew punctuation Nun Hafukha; Hebrew punctuation ׆ &#1478; &#x5c6;
ׇ Hebrew point Qamats Qatan; Hebrew point ׇ &#1479; &#x5c7;
א Hebrew letter Alef; Hebrew letter Aleph; Hebrew letter א &#1488; &#x5d0;
ב Hebrew letter Bet; Hebrew letter ב &#1489; &#x5d1;
ג Hebrew letter Gimel; Hebrew letter ג &#1490; &#x5d2;
ד Hebrew letter Dalet; Hebrew letter ד &#1491; &#x5d3;
ה Hebrew letter He; Hebrew letter ה &#1492; &#x5d4;
ו Hebrew letter Vav; Hebrew letter ו &#1493; &#x5d5;
ז Hebrew letter Zayin; Hebrew letter ז &#1494; &#x5d6;
ח Hebrew letter Het; Hebrew letter ח &#1495; &#x5d7;
ט Hebrew letter Tet; Hebrew letter ט &#1496; &#x5d8;
י Hebrew letter Yod; Hebrew letter י &#1497; &#x5d9;
ך Hebrew letter Final Kaf; Hebrew letter ך &#1498; &#x5da;
כ Hebrew letter Kaf; Hebrew letter כ &#1499; &#x5db;
ל Hebrew letter Lamed; Hebrew letter ל &#1500; &#x5dc;
ם Hebrew letter Final Mem; Hebrew letter ם &#1501; &#x5dd;
מ Hebrew letter Mem; Hebrew letter מ &#1502; &#x5de;
ן Hebrew letter Final Nun; Hebrew letter ן &#1503; &#x5df;
נ Hebrew letter Nun; Hebrew letter נ &#1504; &#x5e0;
ס Hebrew letter Samekh; Hebrew letter ס &#1505; &#x5e1;
ע Hebrew letter Ayin; Hebrew letter ע &#1506; &#x5e2;
ף Hebrew letter Final Pe; Hebrew letter ף &#1507; &#x5e3;
פ Hebrew letter Pe; Hebrew letter פ &#1508; &#x5e4;
ץ Hebrew letter Final Tsadi; Hebrew letter ץ &#1509; &#x5e5;
צ Hebrew letter Tsadi; Hebrew letter צ &#1510; &#x5e6;
ק Hebrew letter Qof; Hebrew letter ק &#1511; &#x5e7;
ר Hebrew letter Resh; Hebrew letter ר &#1512; &#x5e8;
ש Hebrew letter Shin; Hebrew letter ש &#1513; &#x5e9;
ת Hebrew letter Tav; Hebrew letter ת &#1514; &#x5ea;
װ Hebrew ligature Yidish Double Vav; Hebrew ligature װ &#1520; &#x5f0;
ױ Hebrew ligature Yidish Vav Yod; Hebrew ligature ױ &#1521; &#x5f1;
ײ Hebrew ligature Yidish Double Yod; Hebrew ligature ײ &#1522; &#x5f2;
׳ Hebrew punctuation Geresh; Hebrew punctuation ׳ &#1523; &#x5f3;
״ Hebrew punctuation Gershayim; Hebrew punctuation ״ &#1524; &#x5f4;
؀ Arabic number sign; Arabic ؀ &#1536; &#x600;
؁ Arabic sign Sanah, Arabic sign ؁ &#1537; &#x601;
؂ Arabic footnote marker; Arabic sign ؂ &#1538; &#x602;
؃ Arabic sign Sanah; Arabic sign ؃ &#1539; &#x603;
؆ Arabic-Indic ؆ &#1542; &#x606;
؇ Arabic-Indic ؇ &#1543; &#x607;
؈ Arabic ray; Arabic ؈ &#1544; &#x608;
؉ Arabic-Indic ؉ &#1545; &#x609;
؊ Arabic-Indic ؊ &#1546; &#x60a;
؋ Afghani sign; Afghani ؋ &#1547; &#x60b;
، Arabic ، &#1548; &#x60c;
؍ Arabic ؍ &#1549; &#x60d;
؎ Arabic ؎ &#1550; &#x60e;
؏ Arabic sign ؏ &#1551; &#x60f;
ؐ Arabic sign ؐ &#1552; &#x610;
ؑ Arabic sign ؑ &#1553; &#x611;
ؒ Arabic sign ؒ &#1554; &#x612;
ؓ Arabic sign ؓ &#1555; &#x613;
ؔ Arabic sign ؔ &#1556; &#x614;
ؕ Arabic small ؕ &#1557; &#x615;
ؖ Arabic small ؖ &#1558; &#x616;
ؗ Arabic small ؗ &#1559; &#x617;
ؘ Arabic small ؘ &#1560; &#x618;
ؙ Arabic small ؙ &#1561; &#x619;
ؚ Arabic small ؚ &#1562; &#x61a;
؛ Arabic ؛ &#1563; &#x61b;
؞ Arabic ؞ &#1566; &#x61e;
؟ Arabic ؟ &#1567; &#x61f;
ء Arabic letter ء &#1569; &#x621;
آ Arabic letter آ &#1570; &#x622;
أ Arabic letter أ &#1571; &#x623;
ؤ Arabic letter ؤ &#1572; &#x624;
إ Arabic letter إ &#1573; &#x625;
ئ Arabic letter ئ &#1574; &#x626;
ا Arabic letter ا &#1575; &#x627;
ب Arabic letter ب &#1576; &#x628;
ة Arabic letter ة &#1577; &#x629;
ت Arabic letter ت &#1578; &#x62a;
ث Arabic letter ث &#1579; &#x62b;
ج Arabic letter ج &#1580; &#x62c;
ح Arabic letter ح &#1581; &#x62d;
خ Arabic letter خ &#1582; &#x62e;
د Arabic letter د &#1583; &#x62f;
ذ Arabic letter ذ &#1584; &#x630;
ر Arabic letter ر &#1585; &#x631;
ز Arabic letter ز &#1586; &#x632;
س Arabic letter س &#1587; &#x633;
ش Arabic letter ش &#1588; &#x634;
ص Arabic letter ص &#1589; &#x635;
ض Arabic letter ض &#1590; &#x636;
ط Arabic letter ط &#1591; &#x637;
ظ Arabic letter ظ &#1592; &#x638;
ع Arabic letter ع &#1593; &#x639;
غ Arabic letter غ &#1594; &#x63a;
ػ Arabic letter ػ &#1595; &#x63b;
ؼ Arabic letter ؼ &#1596; &#x63c;
ؽ Arabic letter ؽ &#1597; &#x63d;
ؾ Arabic letter ؾ &#1598; &#x63e;
ؿ Arabic letter ؿ &#1599; &#x63f;
ـ Arabic letter ـ &#1600; &#x640;
ف Arabic letter ف &#1601; &#x641;
ق Arabic letter ق &#1602; &#x642;
ك Arabic letter ك &#1603; &#x643;
ل Arabic letter ل &#1604; &#x644;
م Arabic letter م &#1605; &#x645;
ن Arabic letter ن &#1606; &#x646;
ه Arabic letter ه &#1607; &#x647;
و Arabic letter و &#1608; &#x648;
ى Arabic letter ى &#1609; &#x649;
ي Arabic letter ي &#1610; &#x64a;
ً Arabic ً &#1611; &#x64b;
ٌ Arabic ٌ &#1612; &#x64c;
ٍ Arabic ٍ &#1613; &#x64d;
َ Arabic َ &#1614; &#x64e;
ُ Arabic ُ &#1615; &#x64f;
ِ Arabic ِ &#1616; &#x650;
ّ Arabic ّ &#1617; &#x651;
ْ Arabic ْ &#1618; &#x652;
ٓ Arabic ٓ &#1619; &#x653;
ٔ Arabic ٔ &#1620; &#x654;
ٕ Arabic ٕ &#1621; &#x655;
ٖ Arabic ٖ &#1622; &#x656;
ٗ Arabic ٗ &#1623; &#x657;
٘ Arabic ٘ &#1624; &#x658;
ٙ Arabic ٙ &#1625; &#x659;
ٚ Arabic ٚ &#1626; &#x65a;
ٛ Arabic ٛ &#1627; &#x65b;
ٜ Arabic ٜ &#1628; &#x65c;
ٝ Arabic ٝ &#1629; &#x65d;
ٞ Arabic ٞ &#1630; &#x65e;
٠ Arabic-Indic ٠ &#1632; &#x660;
١ Arabic-Indic ١ &#1633; &#x661;
٢ Arabic-Indic ٢ &#1634; &#x662;
٣ Arabic-Indic ٣ &#1635; &#x663;
٤ Arabic-Indic ٤ &#1636; &#x664;
٥ Arabic-Indic ٥ &#1637; &#x665;
٦ Arabic-Indic ٦ &#1638; &#x666;
٧ Arabic-Indic ٧ &#1639; &#x667;
٨ Arabic-Indic ٨ &#1640; &#x668;
٩ Arabic-Indic ٩ &#1641; &#x669;
٪ Arabic ٪ &#1642; &#x66a;
٫ Arabic ٫ &#1643; &#x66b;
٬ Arabic ٬ &#1644; &#x66c;
٭ Arabic five pointed star &#1645; &#x066d;
ٮ Arabic letter ٮ &#1646; &#x66e;
ٯ Arabic letter ٯ &#1647; &#x66f;
ٰ Arabic letter ٰ &#1648; &#x670;
ٱ Arabic letter ٱ &#1649; &#x671;
ٲ Arabic letter ٲ &#1650; &#x672;
ٳ Arabic letter ٳ &#1651; &#x673;
ٴ Arabic letter ٴ &#1652; &#x674;
ٵ Arabic letter ٵ &#1653; &#x675;
ٶ Arabic letter ٶ &#1654; &#x676;
ٷ Arabic letter ٷ &#1655; &#x677;
ٸ Arabic letter ٸ &#1656; &#x678;
ٹ Arabic letter ٹ &#1657; &#x679;
ٺ Arabic letter ٺ &#1658; &#x67a;
ٻ Arabic letter ٻ &#1659; &#x67b;
ټ Arabic letter ټ &#1660; &#x67c;
ٽ Arabic letter ٽ &#1661; &#x67d;
پ Arabic letter پ &#1662; &#x67e;
ٿ Arabic letter ٿ &#1663; &#x67f;
ڀ Arabic letter ڀ &#1664; &#x680;
ځ Arabic letter ځ &#1665; &#x681;
ڂ Arabic letter ڂ &#1666; &#x682;
ڃ Arabic letter ڃ &#1667; &#x683;
ڄ Arabic letter ڄ &#1668; &#x684;
څ Arabic letter څ &#1669; &#x685;
چ Arabic letter چ &#1670; &#x686;
ڇ Arabic letter ڇ &#1671; &#x687;
ڈ Arabic letter ڈ &#1672; &#x688;
ډ Arabic letter ډ &#1673; &#x689;
ڊ Arabic letter ڊ &#1674; &#x68a;
ڋ Arabic letter ڋ &#1675; &#x68b;
ڌ Arabic letter ڌ &#1676; &#x68c;
ڍ Arabic letter ڍ &#1677; &#x68d;
ڎ Arabic letter ڎ &#1678; &#x68e;
ڏ Arabic letter ڏ &#1679; &#x68f;
ڐ Arabic letter ڐ &#1680; &#x690;
ڑ Arabic letter ڑ &#1681; &#x691;
ڒ Arabic letter ڒ &#1682; &#x692;
ړ Arabic letter ړ &#1683; &#x693;
ڔ Arabic letter ڔ &#1684; &#x694;
ڕ Arabic letter ڕ &#1685; &#x695;
ږ Arabic letter ږ &#1686; &#x696;
ڗ Arabic letter ڗ &#1687; &#x697;
ژ Arabic letter ژ &#1688; &#x698;
ڙ Arabic letter ڙ &#1689; &#x699;
ښ Arabic letter ښ &#1690; &#x69a;
ڛ Arabic letter ڛ &#1691; &#x69b;
ڜ Arabic letter ڜ &#1692; &#x69c;
ڝ Arabic letter ڝ &#1693; &#x69d;
ڞ Arabic letter ڞ &#1694; &#x69e;
ڟ Arabic letter ڟ &#1695; &#x69f;
ڠ Arabic letter ڠ &#1696; &#x6a0;
ڡ Arabic letter ڡ &#1697; &#x6a1;
ڢ Arabic letter ڢ &#1698; &#x6a2;
ڣ Arabic letter ڣ &#1699; &#x6a3;
ڤ Arabic letter ڤ &#1700; &#x6a4;
ڥ Arabic letter ڥ &#1701; &#x6a5;
ڦ Arabic letter ڦ &#1702; &#x6a6;
ڧ Arabic letter ڧ &#1703; &#x6a7;
ڨ Arabic letter ڨ &#1704; &#x6a8;
ک Arabic letter ک &#1705; &#x6a9;
ڪ Arabic letter ڪ &#1706; &#x6aa;
ګ Arabic letter ګ &#1707; &#x6ab;
ڬ Arabic letter ڬ &#1708; &#x6ac;
ڭ Arabic letter ڭ &#1709; &#x6ad;
ڮ Arabic letter ڮ &#1710; &#x6ae;
گ Arabic letter گ &#1711; &#x6af;
ڰ Arabic letter ڰ &#1712; &#x6b0;
ڱ Arabic letter ڱ &#1713; &#x6b1;
ڲ Arabic letter ڲ &#1714; &#x6b2;
ڳ Arabic letter ڳ &#1715; &#x6b3;
ڴ Arabic letter ڴ &#1716; &#x6b4;
ڵ Arabic letter ڵ &#1717; &#x6b5;
ڶ Arabic letter ڶ &#1718; &#x6b6;
ڷ Arabic letter ڷ &#1719; &#x6b7;
ڸ Arabic letter ڸ &#1720; &#x6b8;
ڹ Arabic letter ڹ &#1721; &#x6b9;
ں Arabic letter ں &#1722; &#x6ba;
ڻ Arabic letter ڻ &#1723; &#x6bb;
ڼ Arabic letter ڼ &#1724; &#x6bc;
ڽ Arabic letter ڽ &#1725; &#x6bd;
ھ Arabic letter ھ &#1726; &#x6be;
ڿ Arabic letter ڿ &#1727; &#x6bf;
ۀ Arabic letter ۀ &#1728; &#x6c0;
ہ Arabic letter ہ &#1729; &#x6c1;
ۂ Arabic letter ۂ &#1730; &#x6c2;
ۃ Arabic letter ۃ &#1731; &#x6c3;
ۄ Arabic letter ۄ &#1732; &#x6c4;
ۅ Arabic letter ۅ &#1733; &#x6c5;
ۆ Arabic letter ۆ &#1734; &#x6c6;
ۇ Arabic letter ۇ &#1735; &#x6c7;
ۈ Arabic letter ۈ &#1736; &#x6c8;
ۉ Arabic letter ۉ &#1737; &#x6c9;
ۊ Arabic letter ۊ &#1738; &#x6ca;
ۋ Arabic letter ۋ &#1739; &#x6cb;
ی Arabic letter ی &#1740; &#x6cc;
ۍ Arabic letter ۍ &#1741; &#x6cd;
ێ Arabic letter ێ &#1742; &#x6ce;
ۏ Arabic letter ۏ &#1743; &#x6cf;
ې Arabic letter ې &#1744; &#x6d0;
ۑ Arabic letter ۑ &#1745; &#x6d1;
ے Arabic letter ے &#1746; &#x6d2;
ۓ Arabic letter ۓ &#1747; &#x6d3;
۔ Arabic full stop; Arabi ۔ &#1748; &#x6d4;
ە Arabic letter AE; Arabic letter ە &#1749; &#x6d5;
ۖ Arabic small high ۖ &#1750; &#x6d6;
ۗ Arabic small high ۗ &#1751; &#x6d7;
ۘ Arabic small high ۘ &#1752; &#x6d8;
ۙ Arabic small high ۙ &#1753; &#x6d9;
ۚ Arabic small high ۚ &#1754; &#x6da;
ۛ Arabic small high ۛ &#1755; &#x6db;
ۜ Arabic small high ۜ &#1756; &#x6dc;
۝ Arabic ۝ &#1757; &#x6dd;
۞ Arabic ۞ &#1758; &#x6de;
۟ Arabic small ۟ &#1759; &#x6df;
۠ Arabic small ۠ &#1760; &#x6e0;
ۡ Arabic small ۡ &#1761; &#x6e1;
ۢ Arabic small ۢ &#1762; &#x6e2;
ۣ Arabic small ۣ &#1763; &#x6e3;
ۤ Arabic small ۤ &#1764; &#x6e4;
ۥ Arabic small ۥ &#1765; &#x6e5;
ۦ Arabic small ۦ &#1766; &#x6e6;
ۧ Arabic small ۧ &#1767; &#x6e7;
ۨ Arabic small ۨ &#1768; &#x6e8;
۩ Arabic ۩ &#1769; &#x6e9;
۪ Arabic ۪ &#1770; &#x6ea;
۫ Arabic ۫ &#1771; &#x6eb;
۬ Arabic ۬ &#1772; &#x6ec;
ۭ Arabic ۭ &#1773; &#x6ed;
ۮ Arabic letter ۮ &#1774; &#x6ee;
ۯ Arabic letter ۯ &#1775; &#x6ef;
۰ Extended Arabic-Indic ۰ &#1776; &#x6f0;
۱ Extended Arabic-Indic ۱ &#1777; &#x6f1;
۲ Extended Arabic-Indic ۲ &#1778; &#x6f2;
۳ Extended Arabic-Indic ۳ &#1779; &#x6f3;
۴ Extended Arabic-Indic ۴ &#1780; &#x6f4;
۵ Extended Arabic-Indic ۵ &#1781; &#x6f5;
۶ Extended Arabic-Indic ۶ &#1782; &#x6f6;
۷ Extended Arabic-Indic ۷ &#1783; &#x6f7;
۸ Extended Arabic-Indic ۸ &#1784; &#x6f8;
۹ Extended Arabic-Indic ۹ &#1785; &#x6f9;
ۺ Arabic ۺ &#1786; &#x6fa;
ۻ Arabic ۻ &#1787; &#x6fb;
ۼ Arabic ۼ &#1788; &#x6fc;
۽ Arabic ۽ &#1789; &#x6fd;
۾ Arabic ۾ &#1790; &#x6fe;
ۿ Arabic ۿ &#1791; &#x6ff;
Tibetan syllable Om; Tibetan syllable ༀ &#3840; &#xf00;
Tibetan mark ༁ &#3841; &#xf01;
Tibetan mark ༂ &#3842; &#xf02;
Tibetan mark ༃ &#3843; &#xf03;
Tibetan mark ༄ &#3844; &#xf04;
Tibetan mark ༅ &#3845; &#xf05;
Tibetan mark ༆ &#3846; &#xf06;
Tibetan mark ༇ &#3847; &#xf07;
Tibetan mark ༈ &#3848; &#xf08;
Tibetan mark ༉ &#3849; &#xf09;
Tibetan mark ༊ &#3850; &#xf0a;
Tibetan mark ་ &#3851; &#xf0b;
Tibetan mark ༌ &#3852; &#xf0c;
Tibetan mark ། &#3853; &#xf0d;
Tibetan mark ༎ &#3854; &#xf0e;
Tibetan mark ༏ &#3855; &#xf0f;
Tibetan mark ༐ &#3856; &#xf10;
Tibetan mark ༑ &#3857; &#xf11;
Tibetan mark ༒ &#3858; &#xf12;
Tibetan mark ༓ &#3859; &#xf13;
Tibetan mark ༔ &#3860; &#xf14;
Tibetan logotype sign ༕ &#3861; &#xf15;
Tibetan logotype sign ༖ &#3862; &#xf16;
Tibetan astrological sign ༗ &#3863; &#xf17;
Tibetan astrological sign ༘ &#3864; &#xf18;
Tibetan astrological sign ༙ &#3865; &#xf19;
Tibetan sign ༚ &#3866; &#xf1a;
Tibetan sign ༛ &#3867; &#xf1b;
Tibetan sign ༜ &#3868; &#xf1c;
Tibetan sign ༝ &#3869; &#xf1d;
Tibetan sign ༞ &#3870; &#xf1e;
Tibetan sign ༟ &#3871; &#xf1f;
Tibetan digit 0; Tibetan digit ༠ &#3872; &#xf20;
Tibetan digit 0; Tibetan digit ༡ &#3873; &#xf21;
Tibetan digit 0; Tibetan digit ༢ &#3874; &#xf22;
Tibetan digit 0; Tibetan digit ༣ &#3875; &#xf23;
Tibetan digit 0; Tibetan digit ༤ &#3876; &#xf24;
Tibetan digit 0; Tibetan digit ༥ &#3877; &#xf25;
Tibetan digit 0; Tibetan digit ༦ &#3878; &#xf26;
Tibetan digit 0; Tibetan digit ༧ &#3879; &#xf27;
Tibetan digit 0; Tibetan digit ༨ &#3880; &#xf28;
Tibetan digit 0; Tibetan digit ༩ &#3881; &#xf29;
Tibetan digit half 1; Tibetan digit ༪ &#3882; &#xf2a;
Tibetan digit half 1; Tibetan digit ༫ &#3883; &#xf2b;
Tibetan digit half 1; Tibetan digit ༬ &#3884; &#xf2c;
Tibetan digit half 1; Tibetan digit ༭ &#3885; &#xf2d;
Tibetan digit half 1; Tibetan digit ༮ &#3886; &#xf2e;
Tibetan digit half 1; Tibetan digit ༯ &#3887; &#xf2f;
Tibetan digit half 1; Tibetan digit ༰ &#3888; &#xf30;
Tibetan digit half 1; Tibetan digit ༱ &#3889; &#xf31;
Tibetan digit half 1; Tibetan digit ༲ &#3890; &#xf32;
Tibetan digit half 1; Tibetan digit ༳ &#3891; &#xf33;
Tibetan mark ༴ &#3892; &#xf34;
Tibetan mark ༵ &#3893; &#xf35;
Tibetan mark ༶ &#3894; &#xf36;
Tibetan mark ༷ &#3895; &#xf37;
Tibetan mark ༸ &#3896; &#xf38;
Tibetan mark ༹ &#3897; &#xf39;
Tibetan mark ༺ &#3898; &#xf3a;
Tibetan mark ༻ &#3899; &#xf3b;
Tibetan mark ༼ &#3900; &#xf3c;
Tibetan mark ༽ &#3901; &#xf3d;
Tibetan sign ༾ &#3902; &#xf3e;
༿ Tibetan sign ༿ &#3903; &#xf3f;
Tibetan letter ཀ &#3904; &#xf40;
Tibetan letter ཁ &#3905; &#xf41;
Tibetan letter ག &#3906; &#xf42;
Tibetan letter གྷ &#3907; &#xf43;
Tibetan letter ང &#3908; &#xf44;
Tibetan letter ཅ &#3909; &#xf45;
Tibetan letter ཆ &#3910; &#xf46;
Tibetan letter ཇ &#3911; &#xf47;
Tibetan letter ཉ &#3913; &#xf49;
Tibetan letter ཊ &#3914; &#xf4a;
Tibetan letter ཋ &#3915; &#xf4b;
Tibetan letter ཌ &#3916; &#xf4c;
Tibetan letter ཌྷ &#3917; &#xf4d;
Tibetan letter ཎ &#3918; &#xf4e;
Tibetan letter ཏ &#3919; &#xf4f;
Tibetan letter ཐ &#3920; &#xf50;
Tibetan letter ད &#3921; &#xf51;
Tibetan letter དྷ &#3922; &#xf52;
Tibetan letter ན &#3923; &#xf53;
Tibetan letter པ &#3924; &#xf54;
Tibetan letter ཕ &#3925; &#xf55;
Tibetan letter བ &#3926; &#xf56;
Tibetan letter བྷ &#3927; &#xf57;
Tibetan letter མ &#3928; &#xf58;
Tibetan letter ཙ &#3929; &#xf59;
Tibetan letter ཚ &#3930; &#xf5a;
Tibetan letter ཛ &#3931; &#xf5b;
Tibetan letter ཛྷ &#3932; &#xf5c;
Tibetan letter ཝ &#3933; &#xf5d;
Tibetan letter ཞ &#3934; &#xf5e;
Tibetan letter ཟ &#3935; &#xf5f;
Tibetan letter འ &#3936; &#xf60;
Tibetan letter ཡ &#3937; &#xf61;
Tibetan letter ར &#3938; &#xf62;
Tibetan letter ལ &#3939; &#xf63;
Tibetan letter ཤ &#3940; &#xf64;
Tibetan letter ཥ &#3941; &#xf65;
Tibetan letter ས &#3942; &#xf66;
Tibetan letter ཧ &#3943; &#xf67;
Tibetan letter ཨ &#3944; &#xf68;
Tibetan letter ཀྵ &#3945; &#xf69;
Tibetan letter ཪ &#3946; &#xf6a;
Tibetan letter ཫ &#3947; &#xf6b;
Tibetan letter ཬ &#3948; &#xf6c;
Tibetan vowel sign ཱ &#3953; &#xf71;
Tibetan vowel sign ི &#3954; &#xf72;
Tibetan vowel sign ཱི &#3955; &#xf73;
Tibetan vowel sign ུ &#3956; &#xf74;
Tibetan vowel sign ཱུ &#3957; &#xf75;
Tibetan vowel sign ྲྀ &#3958; &#xf76;
Tibetan vowel sign ཷ &#3959; &#xf77;
Tibetan vowel sign ླྀ &#3960; &#xf78;
Tibetan vowel sign ཹ &#3961; &#xf79;
Tibetan vowel sign ེ &#3962; &#xf7a;
Tibetan vowel sign ཻ &#3963; &#xf7b;
Tibetan vowel sign ོ &#3964; &#xf7c;
Tibetan vowel sign ཽ &#3965; &#xf7d;
Tibetan sign ཾ &#3966; &#xf7e;
ཿ Tibetan sign ཿ &#3967; &#xf7f;
Tibetan vowel sign ྀ &#3968; &#xf80;
Tibetan vowel sign ཱྀ &#3969; &#xf81;
Tibetan sign ྂ &#3970; &#xf82;
Tibetan sign ྃ &#3971; &#xf83;
Tibetan mark ྄ &#3972; &#xf84;
Tibetan mark ྅ &#3973; &#xf85;
Tibetan sign ྆ &#3974; &#xf86;
Tibetan sign ྇ &#3975; &#xf87;
Tibetan sign ྈ &#3976; &#xf88;
Tibetan sign ྉ &#3977; &#xf89;
Tibetan sign ྊ &#3978; &#xf8a;
Tibetan sign ྋ &#3979; &#xf8b;
Tibetan sign ྌ &#3980; &#xf8c;
Tibetan subjoined sign ྍ &#3981; &#xf8d;
Tibetan subjoined sign ྎ &#3982; &#xf8e;
Tibetan subjoined sign ྏ &#3983; &#xf8f;
Tibetan subjoined letter ྐ &#3984; &#xf90;
Tibetan subjoined letter ྑ &#3985; &#xf91;
Tibetan subjoined letter ྒ &#3986; &#xf92;
Tibetan subjoined letter ྒྷ &#3987; &#xf93;
Tibetan subjoined letter ྔ &#3988; &#xf94;
Tibetan subjoined letter ྕ &#3989; &#xf95;
Tibetan subjoined letter ྖ &#3990; &#xf96;
Tibetan subjoined letter ྗ &#3991; &#xf97;
Tibetan subjoined letter ྙ &#3993; &#xf99;
Tibetan subjoined letter ྚ &#3994; &#xf9a;
Tibetan subjoined letter ྛ &#3995; &#xf9b;
Tibetan subjoined letter ྜ &#3996; &#xf9c;
Tibetan subjoined letter ྜྷ &#3997; &#xf9d;
Tibetan subjoined letter ྞ &#3998; &#xf9e;
Tibetan subjoined letter ྟ &#3999; &#xf9f;
Tibetan subjoined letter ྠ &#4000; &#xfa0;
Tibetan subjoined letter ྡ &#4001; &#xfa1;
Tibetan subjoined letter ྡྷ &#4002; &#xfa2;
Tibetan subjoined letter ྣ &#4003; &#xfa3;
Tibetan subjoined letter ྤ &#4004; &#xfa4;
Tibetan subjoined letter ྥ &#4005; &#xfa5;
Tibetan subjoined letter ྦ &#4006; &#xfa6;
Tibetan subjoined letter ྦྷ &#4007; &#xfa7;
Tibetan subjoined letter ྨ &#4008; &#xfa8;
Tibetan subjoined letter ྩ &#4009; &#xfa9;
Tibetan subjoined letter ྪ &#4010; &#xfaa;
Tibetan subjoined letter ྫ &#4011; &#xfab;
Tibetan subjoined letter ྫྷ &#4012; &#xfac;
Tibetan subjoined letter ྭ &#4013; &#xfad;
Tibetan subjoined letter ྮ &#4014; &#xfae;
Tibetan subjoined letter ྯ &#4015; &#xfaf;
Tibetan subjoined letter ྰ &#4016; &#xfb0;
Tibetan subjoined letter ྱ &#4017; &#xfb1;
Tibetan subjoined letter ྲ &#4018; &#xfb2;
Tibetan subjoined letter ླ &#4019; &#xfb3;
Tibetan subjoined letter ྴ &#4020; &#xfb4;
Tibetan subjoined letter ྵ &#4021; &#xfb5;
Tibetan subjoined letter ྶ &#4022; &#xfb6;
Tibetan subjoined letter ྷ &#4023; &#xfb7;
Tibetan subjoined letter ྸ &#4024; &#xfb8;
Tibetan subjoined letter ྐྵ &#4025; &#xfb9;
Tibetan subjoined letter ྺ &#4026; &#xfba;
Tibetan subjoined letter ྻ &#4027; &#xfbb;
Tibetan subjoined letter ྼ &#4028; &#xfbc;
Tibetan ku ru ྾ &#4030; &#xfbe;
྿ Tibetan ku ru ྿ &#4031; &#xfbf;
Tibetan cantillation sign ࿀ &#4032; &#xfc0;
Tibetan cantillation sign ࿁ &#4033; &#xfc1;
Tibetan cantillation sign ࿂ &#4034; &#xfc2;
Tibetan cantillation sign ࿃ &#4035; &#xfc3;
Tibetan sign ࿄ &#4036; &#xfc4;
Tibetan sign ࿅ &#4037; &#xfc5;
Tibetan sign ࿆ &#4038; &#xfc6;
Tibetan sign ࿇ &#4039; &#xfc7;
Tibetan sign ࿈ &#4040; &#xfc8;
Tibetan sign ࿉ &#4041; &#xfc9;
Tibetan sign ࿊ &#4042; &#xfca;
Tibetan sign ࿋ &#4043; &#xfcb;
Tibetan sign ࿌ &#4044; &#xfcc;
Tibetan sign ࿎ &#4046; &#xfce;
Tibetan sign ࿏ &#4047; &#xfcf;
Tibetan mark ࿐ &#4048; &#xfd0;
Tibetan mark ࿑ &#4049; &#xfd1;
Tibetan mark ࿒ &#4050; &#xfd2;
Tibetan mark ࿓ &#4051; &#xfd3;
Tibetan mark ࿔ &#4052; &#xfd4;
Tibetan right facing Svasti sign; Tibetan gyung drung nang -khor; Symbol of good luck and well-being in India; Tibetan ࿕ &#4053; &#xfd5;
Tibetan left facing Svasti sign; Tibetan gyung drung phyl -khor; Tibetan ࿖ &#4054; &#xfd6;
Tibetan right facing Svasti sign with dots; Tibetan gyung drung nang -khor bzhi mig can; Tibetan ࿗ &#4055; &#xfd7;
Tibetan left facing Svasti sign with dots; Tibetan gyung drung phyl -khor bzhi mig can; Tibetan ࿘ &#4056; &#xfd8;
Tibetan mark ࿙ &#4057; &#xfd9;
Tibetan mark ࿚ &#4058; &#xfda;
Georgian letter ა; 1st letter of the Georgian alphabet &#4304; &#x10d0;
Georgian letter ბ; 2nd letter of the Georgian alphabet &#4305; &#x10d1;
Georgian letter გ; 3rd letter of the Georgian alphabet &#4306; &#x10d2;
Georgian letter დ; 4th letter of the Georgian alphabet &#4307; &#x10d3;
Georgian letter ე; 5th letter of the Georgian alphabet &#4308; &#x10d4;
Georgian letter ვ; 6th letter of the Georgian alphabet &#4309; &#x10d5;
Georgian letter ზ; 7th letter of the Georgian alphabet &#4310; &#x10d6;
Georgian letter თ; 8th letter of the Georgian alphabet &#4311; &#x10d7;
Georgian letter ი; 9th letter of the Georgian alphabet &#4312; &#x10d8;
Georgian letter კ; 10th letter of the Georgian alphabet &#4313; &#x10d9;
Georgian letter ლ; 11th letter of the Georgian alphabet &#4314; &#x10da;
Georgian letter მ; 12th letter of the Georgian alphabet &#4315; &#x10db;
Georgian letter ნ; 13th letter of the Georgian alphabet &#4316; &#x10dc;
Georgian letter ო; 14th letter of the Georgian alphabet &#4317; &#x10dd;
Georgian letter პ; 15th letter of the Georgian alphabet &#4318; &#x10de;
Georgian letter ჟ; 16th letter of the Georgian alphabet &#4319; &#x10df;
Georgian letter რ; 17th letter of the Georgian alphabet &#4320; &#x10e0;
Georgian letter ს; 18th letter of the Georgian alphabet &#4321; &#x10e1;
Georgian letter ტ; 19th letter of the Georgian alphabet &#4322; &#x10e2;
Georgian letter უ; 20th letter of the Georgian alphabet &#4323; &#x10e3;
Georgian letter ფ; 21st letter of the Georgian alphabet &#4324; &#x10e4;
Georgian letter ქ; 22nd letter of the Georgian alphabet &#4325; &#x10e5;
Georgian letter ღ; 23rd letter of the Georgian alphabet &#4326; &#x10e6;
Georgian letter ყ; 24th letter of the Georgian alphabet &#4327; &#x10e7;
Georgian letter შ; 25th letter of the Georgian alphabet &#4328; &#x10e8;
Georgian letter ჩ; 26th letter of the Georgian alphabet &#4329; &#x10e9;
Georgian letter ც; 27th letter of the Georgian alphabet &#4330; &#x10ea;
Georgian letter ძ; 28th letter of the Georgian alphabet &#4331; &#x10eb;
Georgian letter წ; 29th letter of the Georgian alphabet &#4332; &#x10ec;
Georgian letter ჭ; 30th letter of the Georgian alphabet &#4333; &#x10ed;
Georgian letter ხ; 31st letter of the Georgian alphabet &#4334; &#x10ee;
Georgian letter ჯ; 32nd letter of the Georgian alphabet &#4335; &#x10ef;
Georgian letter ჰ; 33rd letter of the Georgian alphabet &#4336; &#x10f0;
Short dash; En dash &#8211; &#x2013; &ndash; (not recommended: &#150;)
Long dash; Em dash &#8212; &#x2014; &mdash; (not recommended: &#151;)
Left curly single quotation mark; Left curly apostrophe; Left smart quotation mark &#8216; &#x2018; &lsquo; (not recommended: &#145;)
Right curly single quotation mark; Right curly apostrophe; Right apostrophe; Curly apostrophe; Right smart quotation mark &#8217; &#x2019; &rsquo; (not recommended: &#146;)
Left curly quotation marks; Left curly double quotation marks; Left smart quotation marks &#8220; &#x201c; &ldquo; (not recommended: &#147;)
Right curly quotation marks; Right curly double quotation marks; Right smart quotation marks &#8221; &#x201d; &rdquo; (not recommended: &#148;)
Lower quotation marks &#8222; &#x201e; &bdquo; (not recommended: &#132;)
Dagger; Obelisk; Adjoint symbol; Annotation symbol &#8224; &#x2020; &dagger; (not recommended: &#134;)
Double dagger; Diesis &#8225; &#x2021; &Dagger; (not recommended: &#135;)
Bullet; Dot; Bullet operator; Dot product operator &#8226; &#x2022; &bull; (not recommended: &#149;)
Triangular Bullet &#8227; &#x2023;
Ellipsis; Dot dot dot; Three dots; Suspension point; And so forth symbol &#8230; &#x2026; &hellip; (not recommended: &#133;)
Permille; Per mille; Per mil; Permil; Per thousand sign &#8240; &#x2030; &permil; (not recommended: &#137;)
Per ten thousand sign &#8241; &#x2031;
Lowered caret &#8248; &#x2038;
Left angle quotation mark &#8249; &#x2039; &lsaquo; (not recommended: &#139;)
Right angle quotation mark &#8250; &#x203a; &rsaquo; (not recommended: &#155;)
East Asian reference mark &#8251; &#x203b;
Caret insertion point &#8257; &#x2041;
Low asterisk &#8270; &#x204e;
Franc symbol &#8355; &#x20a3;
Lyra symbol; New Lira symbol &#8356; &#x20a4;
Peseta &#8359; &#x20a7;
Euro symbol; EUR sign; Euro sign &#8364; &#x20ac; &euro; (not recommended: &#128;)
Complex numbers symbol; Capital C double-struck &#8450; &#x2102; \mathbb{C} in TeX
Lower case g script; Lower case ℊ script &#8458; &#x210a;
Capital H script; Capital ℋ script; Hamiltonian operator symbol in physics &#8459; &#x210b;
Capital H fraktur; Capital ℌ fraktur &#8460; &#x210c;
Hamiltonians symbol; Quaternions symbol; Capital H double-struck &#8461; &#x210d; \mathbb{H} in TeX
Lower case h sans-serif italic; Lower case ℎ sans-serif italic &#8462; &#x210e;
Capital I script; Capital ℐ script &#8464; &#x2110;
Capital I fraktur; Capital ℑ fraktur &#8465; &#x2111;
Capital L script; Capital ℒ script; Lagrangian operator symbol; Exposure in particle physics &#8466; &#x2112;
Natural numbers symbol; Capital N double-struck &#8469; &#x2115; \mathbb{N} in TeX
Projective plane symbol; Capital P double-struck &#8473; &#x2119; \mathbb{P} in TeX
Rational numbers symbol; Capital Q double-struck &#8474; &#x211a; \mathbb{Q} in TeX
Capital R script; Capital ℛ script &#8475; &#x211b;
Capital R fraktur; Capital ℜ fraktur &#8476; &#x211c;
Real numbers symbol; Capital R double-struck &#8477; &#x211d; \mathbb{R} in TeX
Trademark symbol &#8482; &#x2122; &trade; (not recommended: &#153;)
Integers symbol; Capital Z double-struck &#8484; &#x2124; \mathbb{Z} in TeX
Capital Z fraktur; Capital ℨ fraktur &#8488; &#x2128;
Capital B script; Capital ℬ script; Ball symbol; Vector space basis symbol; Filter symbol &#8492; &#x212c;
Capital C fraktur; Capital ℭ fraktur &#8493; &#x212d;
Lower case e script; Lower case ℯ script &#8495; &#x212f;
Capital E script; Capital ℰ script &#8496; &#x2130;
Capital F script; Capital ℱ script &#8497; &#x2131;
Capital M script; Capital ℳ script &#8499; &#x2133;
Lower case o script; Lower case ℴ script &#8500; &#x2134;
Mathematical Aleph symbol; Cardinality symbol; Aleph number &#8501; &#x2135; \aleph in TeX
Mathematical Beth symbol; Cardinality symbol; Beth number &#8502; &#x2136; \beth in TeX
Double-struck n-ary summation symbol &#8512; &#x2140;
One eighth fraction &#8539; &#x215b;
Three eighths fraction &#8540; &#x215c;
Five eighths fraction &#8541; &#x215d;
Seven eighths fraction &#8542; &#x215e;
Left arrow &#8592; &#x2190; &larr; or Alt-27 on the number pad
Up arrow &#8593; &#x2191; &uarr; or Alt-24 on the number pad
Right arrow &#8594; &#x2192; &rarr; or Alt-26 on the number pad
Down arrow &#8595; &#x2193; &darr; or Alt-25 on the number pad
Left and right double arrow &#8596; &#x2194; Alt-29 on the number pad
Up and down arrow &#8597; &#x2195; Alt-18 on the number pad
Function arrow; Maps to arrow &#8614; &#x21a6; \mapsto in TeX
§ Underlined vertical up and down arrow &#8616; &#x21a8; &sect; or Alt-21 on the number pad
Implication symbol; Implies symbol; If-then symbol; Material implication symbol &#8658; &#x21d2; \Rightarrow in TeX
Is equivalent to symbol; If and only if symbol; Material equivalence symbol &#8660; &#x21d4; \Leftrightarrow in TeX
For all symbol; Inverted A &#8704; &#x2200; \forall in TeX
Mathematical complement symbol &#8705; &#x2201;
Partial differential sign &#8706; &#x2202;
There exists symbol; Inverted E &#8707; &#x2203; \exists in TeX
There does not exist symbol; Inverted E with a slash through it &#8708; &#x2204;
Mathematical empty set; Nullset; Null morpheme; Diameter sign &#8709; &#x2205;
Mathematical delta; Increment symbol &#8710; &#x2206;
Gradient symbol; Divergence symbol; Curl symbol; Del symbol; Inverted delta; Nabla; Laplace operator with exponent 2 &#8711; &#x2207; \del in TeX
Is an element of symbol; Mathematical epsilon &#8712; &#x2208; \in in TeX
Is not an element of symbol; Mathematical epsilon with a slash &#8713; &#x2209; \notin in TeX
Small is an element of that symbol; Small mathematical epsilon &#8714; &#x220a;
Such that symbol; Contains as an element symbol; Inverted mathematical epsilon &#8715; &#x220b;
Not such that symbol; Does not contain as an element symbol; Inverted mathematical epsilon with a slash &#8716; &#x220c;
Small such that symbol; Small contains as an element symbol; Small inverted mathematical epsilon &#8717; &#x220d;
End of proof sign; Square block symbol &#8718; &#x220e;
Cartesian product symbol; N-ary product symbol; Mathematical capital Greek letter Pi &#8719; &#x220f; \prod in TeX
Coproduct symbol; Disjoint union symbol; N-ary coproduct symbol &#8720; &#x2210; \coprod in TeX
Mathematical summation symbol; N-ary summation &#8721; &#x2211;
Minus sign &#8722; &#x2212; &minus;
Minus-plus sign; Minus or plus; Black chess advantage notation &#8723; &#x2213;
Dot plus; Mathematical ∔ symbol &#8724; &#x2214;
Relative complement symbol; Set subtraction symbol; Mathematical ∖ symbol &#8726; &#x2216;
Asterisk operator; Mathematical asterisk; Low asterisk &#8727; &#x2217; &lowast;
Function composition symbol &#8728; &#x2218; \circ in TeX
Bullet operator; Mathematical middle dot; Interpunct; Interpoint &#8729; &#x2219;
Square root symbol; Radical symbol; Radical symbol without vinculum &#8730; &#x221a;
Cubed root symbol; Cubed root symbol without vinculum &#8731; &#x221b;
Fourth root symbol; Fourth root symbol without vinculum &#8732; &#x221c;
Is proportional to symbol; Varies as symbol &#8733; &#x221d; \propto in TeX
Infinity symbol &#8734; &#x221e;
Right angle sign &#8735; &#x221f; Alt-28 on the number pad
Angle symbol; Angle symbol without an arc &#8736; &#x2220;
Measured angle symbol; Angle symbol with an arc &#8737; &#x2221;
Spherical angle symbol &#8738; &#x2222;
Mathematical vertical bar; Divides; Such that &#8739; &#x2223;
Does not divide symbol &#8740; &#x2224; \nmid in TeX
Double pipe; Norm symbol; Parallel to &#8741; &#x2225;
Is not parallel to symbol &#8742; &#x2226;
Logical "and" symbol &#8743; &#x2227;
Logical disjunction symbol; Logical OR symbol &#8744; &#x2228; \or in TeX
Set intersection symbol; Cap symbol &#8745; &#x2229;
Union symbol; Set theoretic union &#8746; &#x222a;
Integral sign &#8747; &#x222b; \int in TeX
Double integral &#8748; &#x222c;
Triple integral &#8749; &#x222d;
Contour integral symbol; Closed integral symbol &#8750; &#x222e; \oint in TeX
Double integral symbol; Closed double integral symbol &#8751; &#x222f;
Triple integral symbol; Closed triple integral symbol &#8752; &#x2230;
Left-to-right integral; Clockwise integral &#8753; &#x2231;
Clockwise contour integral &#8754; &#x2232;
Counterclockwise contour integral; Anticlockwise contour integral &#8755; &#x2233;
Therefore symbol &#8756; &#x2234; \therefore in TeX
Because symbol; Inverted therefore symbol &#8757; &#x2235; \because in TeX
Mathematical colon; Ratio symbol &#8758; &#x2236;
Proportion symbol &#8759; &#x2237;
Dot minus; Saturation subtraction &#8760; &#x2238;
Excess symbol; Minus sign with a colon to the right &#8761; &#x2239;
Geometric proportion symbol &#8762; &#x223a;
Homothetic symbol &#8763; &#x223b;
Tilde operator; Proportional to symbol; Difference between; Varies with; Not; Cycle &#8764; &#x223c;
Mathematical inverted tilde; Reverse tilde &#8765; &#x223d;
Compact tilde; Inverted lazy S; Most positive &#8766; &#x223e;
Sine wave; Alternating current &#8767; &#x223f;
Wreath product; Sideways tilde symbol &#8768; &#x2240; \wr in TeX
Tilde with a slash; Not proportional to symbol &#8769; &#x2241;
Minus tilde &#8770; &#x2242;
Asymptotically equal to &#8771; &#x2243;
Not asymptotically equal to &#8772; &#x2244;
Is congruent to; Congruence symbol; Isomorphic to; Isomorphism symbol &#8773; &#x2245; \cong in TeX
Congruent but not equal to symbol; Approximately but not equal to symbol; Congruent symbol with a slash through the equal sign &#8774; &#x2246;
Not congruent to symbol; Congruent symbol with a slash; Neither congruent nor equal to symbol &#8775; &#x2247;
Approximately equal to symbol; Wavy equal sign &#8776; &#x2248;
Not approximately equal to symbol; Approximately equal to symbol with a slash &#8777; &#x2249;
Approximately equal or equal to &#8778; &#x224a;
Triple tilde; Three tilde congruent symbol; Mathematical ≋ symbol &#8779; &#x224b;
Congruence symbol with tilde reversed; Mathematical ≌ symbol; All equal to symbol &#8780; &#x224c;
Equality symbol with two curved lines; Mathematical ≍ symbol; Equivalent to symbol &#8781; &#x224d;
Geometrically equivalent to; Equality symbol with two hats; Mathematical ≎ symbol &#8782; &#x224e;
Difference between; Equality symbol with a hat; Mathematical ≏ symbol &#8783; &#x224f;
Approaches the limit; Equality symbol with a dot; Mathematical ≐ symbol &#8784; &#x2250;
Geometrically equal to; Equality symbol with a dot above and a dot below; Mathematical ≑ symbol &#8785; &#x2251;
Approximately equal to; The image of; Japanese equality symbol with a dot above and a dot below; Mathematical ≒ symbol &#8786; &#x2252;
Image of; Approximately equal to; Mathematical ≓ symbol &#8787; &#x2253;
Colon equals; Equals by definition; Is the definition of; Mathematical ≔ symbol &#8788; &#x2254;
Equals colon &#8789; &#x2255;
Ring in equal to &#8790; &#x2256;
Ring equals to; Approximately equals to &#8791; &#x2257;
Corresponds to &#8792; &#x2258;
Approximates; Corresponds to &#8793; &#x2259;
Equiangular to &#8794; &#x225a;
Star equals &#8795; &#x225b;
Delta equal to; Equiangular; Equal to by definition &#8796; &#x225c;
Is equal to by definition &#8797; &#x225d; \overset{\underset{\mathrm{def}}{}}{=} in TeX
Measured by &#8798; &#x225e;
Questioned equal to; May or may not be equal to &#8799; &#x225f;
Not equal to symbol &#8800; &#x2260; \ne in TeX; &ne;
Identical to symbol; Congruent modulo symbol &#8801; &#x2261;
Not identical to; Not congruent to modulo &#8802; &#x2262;
Strictly equivalent to &#8803; &#x2263;
Less than or equal to &#8804; &#x2264; &le;
Greater than or equal to &#8805; &#x2265; &ge;
Vector less than or equal to symbol &#8806; &#x2266; \leqq in TeX
Vector greater than or equal to symbol &#8807; &#x2267; \geqq in TeX
Less than but not equal to &#8808; &#x2268;
Greater than but not equal to &#8809; &#x2269;
Much less than symbol &#8810; &#x226a; \ll in TeX
Much greater than symbol &#8811; &#x226b; \gg in TeX
Between; Plaintiff; Quantic &#8812; &#x226c;
Not equivalent to &#8813; &#x226d;
Not less than &#8814; &#x226e;
Not greater than &#8815; &#x226f;
Not less than or equal to; Neither less than nor equal to &#8816; &#x2270;
Not greater than or equal to; Neither less than nor equal to &#8817; &#x2271;
Less than or equivalent to &#8818; &#x2272;
Greater than or equivalent to &#8819; &#x2273;
Not less than or equivalent to; Neither less than nor equivalent to &#8820; &#x2274;
Not greater than or equivalent to; Neither greater than nor equivalent to &#8821; &#x2275;
Less than or greater than &#8822; &#x2276;
Greater than or less than &#8823; &#x2277;
Not less than or greater than; Neither less than nor greater than &#8824; &#x2278;
Not greater than or less than; Neither greater than nor less than &#8825; &#x2279;
Karp reduction symbol; Is Karp reducible to symbol; Precedes; Is a lower rank than; Is below &#8826; &#x227a; \prec in TeX
Succeeds; Is below; Is a lower rank than &#8827; &#x227b;
Precedes or equal to; Is below or equal to &#8828; &#x227c;
Succeeds or is equal to; Is above or equal to &#8829; &#x227d;
Precedes or is equivalent to &#8830; &#x227e;
Succeeds or is equivalent to &#8831; &#x227f;
Does not precede &#8832; &#x2280;
Does not succeed &#8833; &#x2281;
Is contained in but not equal to symbol; Set strict containment symbol; Is a strict subset of symbol &#8834; &#x2282; \subset in TeX
Contains but is not equal to symbol; Is a strict superset symbol; Strict superset symbol; Strictly contains symbol &#8835; &#x2283; \supset in TeX
Is not a subset of; symbol &#8836; &#x2284;
Is not a superset of; Does not contain as a subset &#8837; &#x2285;
Is contained in or equal to symbol; Set containment symbol; Is a subset of symbol &#8838; &#x2286; \subseteq in TeX
Contains or is equal to symbol; Is a superset of symbol &#8839; &#x2287; \supseteq in TeX
Is not a subset or equal to; Neither a subset nor equal to &#8840; &#x2288;
Is not contained in symbol &#8841; &#x2289;
Is a subset but not equal to; Is contained but is not equal to &#8842; &#x228a;
Superset but not equal to; Contains but is not equal to &#8843; &#x228b;
Multiset &#8844; &#x228c;
Multiset union; Disjoint union; Multiset multiplication &#8845; &#x228d;
Multiset union; Multiset addition; Z notation bag addition &#8846; &#x228e;
Square image of &#8847; &#x228f;
Square original of &#8848; &#x2290;
Square image of or equal to &#8849; &#x2291;
Square original of or equal to &#8850; &#x2292;
Square cap &#8851; &#x2293;
Square cup &#8852; &#x2294;
Direct sum symbol; Disjoint sum symbol; Exclusive OR symbol &#8853; &#x2295; \oplus in TeX
Circled minus; Symmetric difference &#8854; &#x2296;
Tensor product symbol &#8855; &#x2297; \oproduct in TeX
Circled division slash; &#8856; &#x2298;
Circled dot operator &#8857; &#x2299;
Circled ring operator &#8858; &#x229a;
Circled asterisk operator &#8859; &#x229b;
Circled equals &#8860; &#x229c;
Circled dash &#8861; &#x229d;
Squared plus &#8862; &#x229e;
Squared minus &#8863; &#x229f;
Squared times &#8864; &#x22a0;
Squared dot operator &#8865; &#x22a1;
Right tack; Turnstile; Proves; Implies; Yields; Reducible &#8866; &#x22a2;
Left tack; Reverse turnstile; Non-theorem; Does not yield &#8867; &#x22a3;
Down tack &#8868; &#x22a4;
Perpendicular symbol; Is perpendicular to symbol; Orthogonal symbol; Is coprime to symbol; Is comparable to symbol &#8869; &#x22a5; \propto in TeX
Assertion &#8870; &#x22a6;
Entailment symbol &#8871; &#x22a7; \vDash in TeX
True; Statemetn is true; Statement is valid; Statement is a tautology; Satisfies; Results in &#8872; &#x22a8;
Forces &#8873; &#x22a9;
Triple vertical bar right turnstile &#8874; &#x22aa;
Double vertical bar double right turnstyle &#8875; &#x22ab;
Does not prove &#8876; &#x22ac;
Not true &#8877; &#x22ad;
Does not force &#8878; &#x22ae;
Negated double vertical bar; Negated double right turnstile; &#8879; &#x22af;
Precedes under relation &#8880; &#x22b0;
Succeeds under relation &#8881; &#x22b1;
Is a normal subgroup of; Is an ideal of &#8882; &#x22b2;
Contains as a normal subgroup; contains as an ideal &#8883; &#x22b3;
Is a normal subgroup of or equal to; Is an ideal of or is equal to &#8884; &#x22b4;
Contains as a normal subgroup or is equal to; Contains as an ideal or is equal to &#8885; &#x22b5;
Original of &#8886; &#x22b6;
Image of &#8887; &#x22b7;
Multimap &#8888; &#x22b8;
Hermitian conjugate matrix; Hermite conjugate &#8889; &#x22b9;
Intercalate &#8890; &#x22ba;
Exclusive or symbol &#8891; &#x22bb;
Exclusive and; Not and &#8892; &#x22bc;
Nor; Nor symbol &#8893; &#x22bd;
Right angle with arc &#8894; &#x22be;
Right triangle &#8895; &#x22bf;
N-ary logical AND; Universal quantifier &#8896; &#x22c0;
N-ary logical OR; Existential quantifier &#8897; &#x22c1;
N-ary intersection &#8898; &#x22c2;
Union symbol; Set theoretic union &#8899; &#x22c3;
Diamond operator &#8900; &#x22c4;
Dot operator &#8901; &#x22c5;
Star operator; APL &#8902; &#x22c6;
Division times &#8903; &#x22c7;
Natural join symbol &#8904; &#x22c8; \bowtie in TeX
Semidirect product symbol &#8905; &#x22c9; \ltimes in TeX
Semijoin symbol &#8906; &#x22ca; \rtimes in TeX
Left semidirect product &#8907; &#x22cb;
Right semidirect product &#8908; &#x22cc;
Reversed tilde equals &#8909; &#x22cd;
Curly logical OR &#8910; &#x22ce;
Curly logical AND &#8911; &#x22cf;
Double subset &#8912; &#x22d0;
Double superset &#8913; &#x22d1;
Double intersection &#8914; &#x22d2;
Double union &#8915; &#x22d3;
Pitchfork; Proper intersection &#8916; &#x22d4;
Equal and parallel to &#8917; &#x22d5;
Less than with a dot &#8918; &#x22d6;
Greater than with a dot &#8919; &#x22d7;
Very much less than &#8920; &#x22d8;
Very much greater than &#8921; &#x22d9;
Less than or equal to or greater than &#8922; &#x22da;
Greater than or equal to or less than &#8923; &#x22db;
Equal to or less than &#8924; &#x22dc;
Equal to or greater than &#8925; &#x22dd;
Equal to or precedes &#8926; &#x22de;
Equal to or succeeds &#8927; &#x22df;
Does not precede or equal &#8928; &#x22e0;
Does not succeed or equal &#8929; &#x22e1;
Not square image of or equal to &#8930; &#x22e2;
Not square original of or equal to &#8931; &#x22e3;
Square image of and not equal to &#8932; &#x22e4;
Square original of and not equal to &#8933; &#x22e5;
Less than but not equivalent to &#8934; &#x22e6;
Greater than but not equivalent to &#8935; &#x22e7;
Precedes but not equivalent to &#8936; &#x22e8;
Succeeds but not equivalent to &#8937; &#x22e9;
Not a normal subgroup of; Not an ideal of &#8938; &#x22ea;
Does not contain as a normal subgroup; Does not contain as an ideal &#8939; &#x22eb;
Not a normal subroup or equal to; Neither a normal subgroup nor equal to; Not an ideal of or equal to &#8940; &#x22ec;
Does not contain as a normal subgroup and is not equal to; Does not contaion as an ideal and is not equal to &#8941; &#x22ed;
Vertical ellipsis; Vertical dot dot dot; Three vertical dots; Vertical pattern indicator &#8942; &#x22ee;
Midline horizontal ellipsis; Midline horizontal dot dot dot &#8943; &#x22ef;
Up right diagonal ellipsis; Up right diagonal dot dot dot &#8944; &#x22f0;
Down right diagonal ellipsis; Down right diagonal dot dot dot &#8945; &#x22f1;
Element of with long horizontal stroke &#8946; &#x22f2;
Element of with a bar at the end; Element of the horizontal stroke &#8947; &#x22f3;
Small element of with vertical bar at the end of the horizontal stroke &#8948; &#x22f4;
Element of with a dot &#8949; &#x22f5;
Element of with an overbar; Element of with a vinculum &#8950; &#x22f6;
Small element of with an overbar; Small element of with a vinculum &#8951; &#x22f7;
Element of with an underbar &#8952; &#x22f8;
Element of with two horizontal strokes &#8953; &#x22f9;
Contains with a long horizontal stroke &#8954; &#x22fa;
Contains as an element with a vertical bar at the end of the horizontal stroke &#8955; &#x22fb;
Small contains as an element with a vertical bar at the end of the horizontal stroke &#8956; &#x22fc;
Contains as an element with an overbar; Contains with a vinculum &#8957; &#x22fd;
Small contains as an element with an overbar; Small contains with a vinculum &#8958; &#x22fe;
Mathematical ⋿ symbol &#8959; &#x22ff;
Left ceiling function symbol &#8968; &#x2308; \lceil in TeX
Right ceiling function symbol &#8969; &#x2309; \rceil in TeX
Left floor function symbol &#8970; &#x230a; \lfloor in TeX
Right floor function symbol &#8971; &#x230b; \rfloor in TeX
Solid up arrow; Vertically facing triangle &#9650; &#x25b2; Alt-30 on the number pad
Play forward; Solid right arrow; Solid right facing triangle &#9658; &#x25ba; Alt-16 on the number pad
Antijoin symbol; The antijoin of symbol; &#9659; &#x25bb; \triangleright in TeX
Solid down arrow; Verticaly downward facing triangle &#9660; &#x25bc; Alt-31 on the number pad
Play backwards; Solid left arrow; Solid left facing triangle &#9668; &#x25c4; Alt-17 on the number pad
White left pointing triangle &#9669; &#x25c5; \triangleleft in TeX
White diamond &#9671; &#x25c7;
White circle &#9675; &#x25cb; Alt-9 on the number pad
Black star &#9733; &#x2605;
White frowning face &#9785; &#x2639;
White smiley &#9786; &#x263a; Alt 1 on the number pad
Black smiley &#9787; &#x263b; Alt 2 on the number pad
Double sixteenth note &#9788; &#x263c; Alt-15 on the number pad
Female symbol &#9792; &#x2640; Alt-12 on the number pad
Male symbol &#9794; &#x2642; Alt-11 on the number pad
Spades suit &#9824; &#2660; &spades; or Alt-6 on the number pad
Clubs suit &#9827; &#2663; &clubs; or Alt-5 on the number pad
Hearts suit &#9829; &#2665; &hearts; or Alt-3 on the number pad
Diamonds suit &#9830; &#2666; &diams; or Alt-4 on the number pad
Eighth note &#9834; &#x266a; Alt-13 on the number pad
Double eighth note &#9835; &#x266b; Alt-14 on the number pad
Sharp symbol; Musical sharp symbol &#9839; &#x266f;
Heavy asterisk &#10033; &#x2731;
Open center asterisk &#10034; &#x2732;
Mathematical ⟐ symbol &#10192; &#x27d0;
Mathematical ⟑ symbol &#10193; &#x27d1;
Mathematical ⟒ symbol &#10194; &#x27d2;
Mathematical ⟓ symbol &#10195; &#x27d3;
Mathematical ⟔ symbol &#10196; &#x27d4;
Mathematical ⟕ symbol &#10197; &#x27d5;
Mathematical ⟖ symbol &#10198; &#x27d6;
Mathematical ⟗ symbol &#10199; &#x27d7;
Mathematical ⟘ symbol &#10200; &#x27d8;
Mathematical ⟙ symbol &#10201; &#x27d9;
Mathematical ⟚ symbol &#10202; &#x27da;
Mathematical ⟛ symbol &#10203; &#x27db;
Mathematical ⟜ symbol &#10204; &#x27dc;
Mathematical ⟝ symbol &#10205; &#x27dd;
Mathematical ⟞ symbol &#10206; &#x27de;
Mathematical ⟟ symbol &#10207; &#x27df;
Mathematical ⟠ symbol &#10208; &#x27e0;
Mathematical ⟡ symbol &#10209; &#x27e1;
Mathematical ⟢ symbol &#10210; &#x27e2;
Mathematical ⟣ symbol &#10211; &#x27e3;
Mathematical ⟤ symbol &#10212; &#x27e4;
Mathematical ⟥ symbol &#10213; &#x27e5;
Mathematical ⟦ symbol &#10214; &#x27e6;
Mathematical ⟧ symbol &#10215; &#x27e7;
Mathematical ⟨ symbol &#10216; &#x27e8;
Mathematical ⟩ symbol &#10217; &#x27e9;
Mathematical ⟪ symbol &#10218; &#x27ea;
Mathematical ⟫ symbol &#10219; &#x27eb;
Mathematical ⦀ symbol &#10624; &#x2980;
Mathematical ⦁ symbol &#10625; &#x2981;
Mathematical ⦂ symbol &#10626; &#x2982;
Mathematical ⦃ symbol &#10627; &#x2983;
Mathematical ⦄ symbol &#10628; &#x2984;
Mathematical ⦅ symbol &#10629; &#x2985;
Mathematical ⦆ symbol &#10630; &#x2986;
Mathematical ⦇ symbol &#10631; &#x2987;
Mathematical ⦈ symbol &#10632; &#x2988;
Mathematical ⦉ symbol &#10633; &#x2989;
Mathematical ⦊ symbol &#10634; &#x298a;
Mathematical ⦋ symbol &#10635; &#x298b;
Mathematical ⦌ symbol &#10636; &#x298c;
Mathematical ⦍ symbol &#10637; &#x298d;
Mathematical ⦎ symbol &#10638; &#x298e;
Mathematical ⦏ symbol &#10639; &#x298f;
Mathematical ⦐ symbol &#10640; &#x2990;
Mathematical ⦑ symbol &#10641; &#x2991;
Mathematical ⦒ symbol &#10642; &#x2992;
Mathematical ⦓ symbol &#10643; &#x2993;
Mathematical ⦔ symbol &#10644; &#x2994;
Mathematical ⦕ symbol &#10645; &#x2995;
Mathematical ⦖ symbol &#10646; &#x2996;
Mathematical ⦗ symbol &#10647; &#x2997;
Mathematical ⦘ symbol &#10648; &#x2998;
Mathematical ⦙ symbol &#10649; &#x2999;
Mathematical ⦚ symbol &#10650; &#x299a;
Mathematical ⦛ symbol &#10651; &#x299b;
Mathematical ⦜ symbol &#10652; &#x299c;
Mathematical ⦝ symbol &#10653; &#x299d;
Mathematical ⦞ symbol &#10654; &#x299e;
Mathematical ⦟ symbol &#10655; &#x299f;
Mathematical ⦠ symbol &#10656; &#x29a0;
Mathematical ⦡ symbol &#10657; &#x29a1;
Mathematical ⦢ symbol &#10658; &#x29a2;
Mathematical ⦣ symbol &#10659; &#x29a3;
Mathematical ⦤ symbol &#10660; &#x29a4;
Mathematical ⦥ symbol &#10661; &#x29a5;
Mathematical ⦦ symbol &#10662; &#x29a6;
Mathematical ⦧ symbol &#10663; &#x29a7;
Mathematical ⦨ symbol &#10664; &#x29a8;
Mathematical ⦩ symbol &#10665; &#x29a9;
Mathematical ⦪ symbol &#10666; &#x29aa;
Mathematical ⦫ symbol &#10667; &#x29ab;
Mathematical ⦬ symbol &#10668; &#x29ac;
Mathematical ⦭ symbol &#10669; &#x29ad;
Mathematical ⦮ symbol &#10670; &#x29ae;
Mathematical ⦯ symbol &#10671; &#x29af;
Mathematical ⦰ symbol &#10672; &#x29b0;
Mathematical ⦱ symbol &#10673; &#x29b1;
Mathematical ⦲ symbol &#10674; &#x29b2;
Mathematical ⦳ symbol &#10675; &#x29b3;
Mathematical ⦴ symbol &#10676; &#x29b4;
Mathematical ⦵ symbol &#10677; &#x29b5;
Mathematical ⦶ symbol &#10678; &#x29b6;
Mathematical ⦷ symbol &#10679; &#x29b7;
Mathematical ⦸ symbol &#10680; &#x29b8;
Mathematical ⦹ symbol &#10681; &#x29b9;
Mathematical ⦺ symbol &#10682; &#x29ba;
Mathematical ⦻ symbol &#10683; &#x29bb;
Mathematical ⦼ symbol &#10684; &#x29bc;
Mathematical ⦽ symbol &#10685; &#x29bd;
Mathematical ⦾ symbol &#10686; &#x29be;
⦿ Mathematical ⦿ symbol &#10687; &#x29bf;
Mathematical ⧀ symbol &#10688; &#x29c0;
Mathematical ⧁ symbol &#10689; &#x29c1;
Mathematical ⧂ symbol &#10690; &#x29c2;
Mathematical ⧃ symbol &#10691; &#x29c3;
Mathematical ⧄ symbol &#10692; &#x29c4;
Mathematical ⧅ symbol &#10693; &#x29c5;
Mathematical ⧆ symbol &#10694; &#x29c6;
Mathematical ⧇ symbol &#10695; &#x29c7;
Mathematical ⧈ symbol &#10696; &#x29c8;
Mathematical ⧉ symbol &#10697; &#x29c9;
Mathematical ⧊ symbol &#10698; &#x29ca;
Mathematical ⧋ symbol &#10699; &#x29cb;
Mathematical ⧌ symbol &#10700; &#x29cc;
Mathematical ⧍ symbol &#10701; &#x29cd;
Mathematical ⧎ symbol &#10702; &#x29ce;
Mathematical ⧏ symbol &#10703; &#x29cf;
Mathematical ⧐ symbol &#10704; &#x29d0;
Mathematical ⧑ symbol &#10705; &#x29d1;
Mathematical ⧒ symbol &#10706; &#x29d2;
Mathematical ⧓ symbol &#10707; &#x29d3;
Mathematical ⧔ symbol &#10708; &#x29d4;
Mathematical ⧕ symbol &#10709; &#x29d5;
Mathematical ⧖ symbol &#10710; &#x29d6;
Mathematical ⧗ symbol &#10711; &#x29d7;
Mathematical ⧘ symbol &#10712; &#x29d8;
Mathematical ⧙ symbol &#10713; &#x29d9;
Mathematical ⧚ symbol &#10714; &#x29da;
Mathematical ⧛ symbol &#10715; &#x29db;
Mathematical ⧜ symbol &#10716; &#x29dc;
Mathematical ⧝ symbol &#10717; &#x29dd;
Mathematical ⧞ symbol &#10718; &#x29de;
Mathematical ⧟ symbol &#10719; &#x29df;
Mathematical ⧠ symbol &#10720; &#x29e0;
Mathematical ⧡ symbol &#10721; &#x29e1;
Mathematical ⧢ symbol &#10722; &#x29e2;
Mathematical ⧣ symbol &#10723; &#x29e3;
Mathematical ⧤ symbol &#10724; &#x29e4;
Mathematical ⧥ symbol &#10725; &#x29e5;
Mathematical ⧦ symbol &#10726; &#x29e6;
Mathematical ⧧ symbol &#10727; &#x29e7;
Mathematical ⧨ symbol &#10728; &#x29e8;
Mathematical ⧩ symbol &#10729; &#x29e9;
Mathematical ⧪ symbol &#10730; &#x29ea;
Mathematical ⧫ symbol &#10731; &#x29eb;
Mathematical ⧬ symbol &#10732; &#x29ec;
Mathematical ⧭ symbol &#10733; &#x29ed;
Mathematical ⧮ symbol &#10734; &#x29ee;
Mathematical ⧯ symbol &#10735; &#x29ef;
Mathematical ⧰ symbol &#10736; &#x29f0;
Mathematical ⧱ symbol &#10737; &#x29f1;
Mathematical ⧲ symbol &#10738; &#x29f2;
Mathematical ⧳ symbol &#10739; &#x29f3;
Mathematical ⧴ symbol &#10740; &#x29f4;
Mathematical ⧵ symbol &#10741; &#x29f5;
Mathematical ⧶ symbol &#10742; &#x29f6;
Mathematical ⧷ symbol &#10743; &#x29f7;
Mathematical ⧸ symbol &#10744; &#x29f8;
Mathematical ⧹ symbol &#10745; &#x29f9;
Mathematical ⧺ symbol &#10746; &#x29fa;
Mathematical ⧻ symbol &#10747; &#x29fb;
Mathematical ⧼ symbol &#10748; &#x29fc;
Mathematical ⧽ symbol &#10749; &#x29fd;
Mathematical ⧾ symbol &#10750; &#x29fe;
⧿ Mathematical ⧿ symbol &#10751; &#x29ff;
Mathematical ⨀ symbol &#10752; &#x2a00;
Mathematical ⨁ symbol &#10753; &#x2a01;
Mathematical ⨂ symbol &#10754; &#x2a02;
Mathematical ⨃ symbol &#10755; &#x2a03;
Mathematical ⨄ symbol &#10756; &#x2a04;
Mathematical ⨅ symbol &#10757; &#x2a05;
Mathematical ⨆ symbol &#10758; &#x2a06;
Mathematical ⨇ symbol &#10759; &#x2a07;
Mathematical ⨈ symbol &#10760; &#x2a08;
Mathematical ⨉ symbol &#10761; &#x2a09;
Mathematical ⨊ symbol &#10762; &#x2a0a;
Mathematical ⨋ symbol &#10763; &#x2a0b;
Mathematical ⨌ symbol &#10764; &#x2a0c;
Mathematical ⨍ symbol &#10765; &#x2a0d;
Mathematical ⨎ symbol &#10766; &#x2a0e;
Mathematical ⨏ symbol &#10767; &#x2a0f;
Mathematical ⨐ symbol &#10768; &#x2a10;
Mathematical ⨑ symbol &#10769; &#x2a11;
Mathematical ⨒ symbol &#10770; &#x2a12;
Mathematical ⨓ symbol &#10771; &#x2a13;
Mathematical ⨔ symbol &#10772; &#x2a14;
Mathematical ⨕ symbol &#10773; &#x2a15;
Mathematical ⨖ symbol &#10774; &#x2a16;
Mathematical ⨗ symbol &#10775; &#x2a17;
Mathematical ⨘ symbol &#10776; &#x2a18;
Mathematical ⨙ symbol &#10777; &#x2a19;
Mathematical ⨚ symbol &#10778; &#x2a1a;
Mathematical ⨛ symbol &#10779; &#x2a1b;
Mathematical ⨜ symbol &#10780; &#x2a1c;
Mathematical ⨝ symbol &#10781; &#x2a1d;
Mathematical ⨞ symbol &#10782; &#x2a1e;
Mathematical ⨟ symbol &#10783; &#x2a1f;
Mathematical ⨠ symbol &#10784; &#x2a20;
Mathematical ⨡ symbol &#10785; &#x2a21;
Mathematical ⨢ symbol &#10786; &#x2a22;
Mathematical ⨣ symbol &#10787; &#x2a23;
Mathematical ⨤ symbol &#10788; &#x2a24;
Mathematical ⨥ symbol &#10789; &#x2a25;
Mathematical ⨦ symbol &#10790; &#x2a26;
Mathematical ⨧ symbol &#10791; &#x2a27;
Mathematical ⨨ symbol &#10792; &#x2a28;
Mathematical ⨩ symbol &#10793; &#x2a29;
Mathematical ⨪ symbol &#10794; &#x2a2a;
Mathematical ⨫ symbol &#10795; &#x2a2b;
Mathematical ⨬ symbol &#10796; &#x2a2c;
Mathematical ⨭ symbol &#10797; &#x2a2d;
Mathematical ⨮ symbol &#10798; &#x2a2e;
Mathematical ⨯ symbol &#10799; &#x2a2f;
Mathematical ⨰ symbol &#10800; &#x2a30;
Mathematical ⨱ symbol &#10801; &#x2a31;
Mathematical ⨲ symbol &#10802; &#x2a32;
Mathematical ⨳ symbol &#10803; &#x2a33;
Mathematical ⨴ symbol &#10804; &#x2a34;
Mathematical ⨵ symbol &#10805; &#x2a35;
Mathematical ⨶ symbol &#10806; &#x2a36;
Mathematical ⨷ symbol &#10807; &#x2a37;
Mathematical ⨸ symbol &#10808; &#x2a38;
Mathematical ⨹ symbol &#10809; &#x2a39;
Mathematical ⨺ symbol &#10810; &#x2a3a;
Mathematical ⨻ symbol &#10811; &#x2a3b;
Mathematical ⨼ symbol &#10812; &#x2a3c;
Mathematical ⨽ symbol &#10813; &#x2a3d;
Mathematical ⨾ symbol &#10814; &#x2a3e;
⨿ Mathematical ⨿ symbol &#10815; &#x2a3f;
Mathematical ⩀ symbol &#10816; &#x2a40;
Mathematical ⩁ symbol &#10817; &#x2a41;
Mathematical ⩂ symbol &#10818; &#x2a42;
Mathematical ⩃ symbol &#10819; &#x2a43;
Mathematical ⩄ symbol &#10820; &#x2a44;
Mathematical ⩅ symbol &#10821; &#x2a45;
Mathematical ⩆ symbol &#10822; &#x2a46;
Mathematical ⩇ symbol &#10823; &#x2a47;
Mathematical ⩈ symbol &#10824; &#x2a48;
Mathematical ⩉ symbol &#10825; &#x2a49;
Mathematical ⩊ symbol &#10826; &#x2a4a;
Mathematical ⩋ symbol &#10827; &#x2a4b;
Mathematical ⩌ symbol &#10828; &#x2a4c;
Mathematical ⩍ symbol &#10829; &#x2a4d;
Mathematical ⩎ symbol &#10830; &#x2a4e;
Mathematical ⩏ symbol &#10831; &#x2a4f;
Mathematical ⩐ symbol &#10832; &#x2a50;
Mathematical ⩑ symbol &#10833; &#x2a51;
Mathematical ⩒ symbol &#10834; &#x2a52;
Mathematical ⩓ symbol &#10835; &#x2a53;
Mathematical ⩔ symbol &#10836; &#x2a54;
Mathematical ⩕ symbol &#10837; &#x2a55;
Mathematical ⩖ symbol &#10838; &#x2a56;
Mathematical ⩗ symbol &#10839; &#x2a57;
Mathematical ⩘ symbol &#10840; &#x2a58;
Mathematical ⩙ symbol &#10841; &#x2a59;
Mathematical ⩚ symbol &#10842; &#x2a5a;
Mathematical ⩛ symbol &#10843; &#x2a5b;
Mathematical ⩜ symbol &#10844; &#x2a5c;
Mathematical ⩝ symbol &#10845; &#x2a5d;
Mathematical ⩞ symbol &#10846; &#x2a5e;
Mathematical ⩟ symbol &#10847; &#x2a5f;
Mathematical ⩠ symbol &#10848; &#x2a60;
Mathematical ⩡ symbol &#10849; &#x2a61;
Mathematical ⩢ symbol &#10850; &#x2a62;
Mathematical ⩣ symbol &#10851; &#x2a63;
Mathematical ⩤ symbol &#10852; &#x2a64;
Mathematical ⩥ symbol &#10853; &#x2a65;
Mathematical ⩦ symbol &#10854; &#x2a66;
Mathematical ⩧ symbol &#10855; &#x2a67;
Mathematical ⩨ symbol &#10856; &#x2a68;
Mathematical ⩩ symbol &#10857; &#x2a69;
Mathematical ⩪ symbol &#10858; &#x2a6a;
Mathematical ⩫ symbol &#10859; &#x2a6b;
Mathematical ⩬ symbol &#10860; &#x2a6c;
Mathematical ⩭ symbol &#10861; &#x2a6d;
Mathematical ⩮ symbol &#10862; &#x2a6e;
Mathematical ⩯ symbol &#10863; &#x2a6f;
Mathematical ⩰ symbol &#10864; &#x2a70;
Mathematical ⩱ symbol &#10865; &#x2a71;
Mathematical ⩲ symbol &#10866; &#x2a72;
Mathematical ⩳ symbol &#10867; &#x2a73;
Mathematical ⩴ symbol &#10868; &#x2a74;
Mathematical ⩵ symbol &#10869; &#x2a75;
Mathematical ⩶ symbol &#10870; &#x2a76;
Mathematical ⩷ symbol &#10871; &#x2a77;
Mathematical ⩸ symbol &#10872; &#x2a78;
Mathematical ⩹ symbol &#10873; &#x2a79;
Mathematical ⩺ symbol &#10874; &#x2a7a;
Mathematical ⩻ symbol &#10875; &#x2a7b;
Mathematical ⩼ symbol &#10876; &#x2a7c;
Mathematical ⩽ symbol &#10877; &#x2a7d;
Mathematical ⩾ symbol &#10878; &#x2a7e;
⩿ Mathematical ⩿ symbol &#10879; &#x2a7f;
Mathematical ⪀ symbol &#10880; &#x2a80;
Mathematical ⪁ symbol &#10881; &#x2a81;
Mathematical ⪂ symbol &#10882; &#x2a82;
Mathematical ⪃ symbol &#10883; &#x2a83;
Mathematical ⪄ symbol &#10884; &#x2a84;
Mathematical ⪅ symbol &#10885; &#x2a85;
Mathematical ⪆ symbol &#10886; &#x2a86;
Mathematical ⪇ symbol &#10887; &#x2a87;
Mathematical ⪈ symbol &#10888; &#x2a88;
Mathematical ⪉ symbol &#10889; &#x2a89;
Mathematical ⪊ symbol &#10890; &#x2a8a;
Mathematical ⪋ symbol &#10891; &#x2a8b;
Mathematical ⪌ symbol &#10892; &#x2a8c;
Mathematical ⪍ symbol &#10893; &#x2a8d;
Mathematical ⪎ symbol &#10894; &#x2a8e;
Mathematical ⪏ symbol &#10895; &#x2a8f;
Mathematical ⪐ symbol &#10896; &#x2a90;
Mathematical ⪑ symbol &#10897; &#x2a91;
Mathematical ⪒ symbol &#10898; &#x2a92;
Mathematical ⪓ symbol &#10899; &#x2a93;
Mathematical ⪔ symbol &#10900; &#x2a94;
Mathematical ⪕ symbol &#10901; &#x2a95;
Mathematical ⪖ symbol &#10902; &#x2a96;
Mathematical ⪗ symbol &#10903; &#x2a97;
Mathematical ⪘ symbol &#10904; &#x2a98;
Mathematical ⪙ symbol &#10905; &#x2a99;
Mathematical ⪚ symbol &#10906; &#x2a9a;
Mathematical ⪛ symbol &#10907; &#x2a9b;
Mathematical ⪜ symbol &#10908; &#x2a9c;
Mathematical ⪝ symbol &#10909; &#x2a9d;
Mathematical ⪞ symbol &#10910; &#x2a9e;
Mathematical ⪟ symbol &#10911; &#x2a9f;
Mathematical ⪠ symbol &#10912; &#x2aa0;
Mathematical ⪡ symbol &#10913; &#x2aa1;
Mathematical ⪢ symbol &#10914; &#x2aa2;
Mathematical ⪣ symbol &#10915; &#x2aa3;
Mathematical ⪤ symbol &#10916; &#x2aa4;
Mathematical ⪥ symbol &#10917; &#x2aa5;
Mathematical ⪦ symbol &#10918; &#x2aa6;
Mathematical ⪧ symbol &#10919; &#x2aa7;
Mathematical ⪨ symbol &#10920; &#x2aa8;
Mathematical ⪩ symbol &#10921; &#x2aa9;
Mathematical ⪪ symbol &#10922; &#x2aaa;
Mathematical ⪫ symbol &#10923; &#x2aab;
Mathematical ⪬ symbol &#10924; &#x2aac;
Mathematical ⪭ symbol &#10925; &#x2aad;
Mathematical ⪮ symbol &#10926; &#x2aae;
Mathematical ⪯ symbol &#10927; &#x2aaf;
Mathematical ⪰ symbol &#10928; &#x2ab0;
Mathematical ⪱ symbol &#10929; &#x2ab1;
Mathematical ⪲ symbol &#10930; &#x2ab2;
Mathematical ⪳ symbol &#10931; &#x2ab3;
Mathematical ⪴ symbol &#10932; &#x2ab4;
Mathematical ⪵ symbol &#10933; &#x2ab5;
Mathematical ⪶ symbol &#10934; &#x2ab6;
Mathematical ⪷ symbol &#10935; &#x2ab7;
Mathematical ⪸ symbol &#10936; &#x2ab8;
Mathematical ⪹ symbol &#10937; &#x2ab9;
Mathematical ⪺ symbol &#10938; &#x2aba;
Mathematical ⪻ symbol &#10939; &#x2abb;
Mathematical ⪼ symbol &#10940; &#x2abc;
Mathematical ⪽ symbol &#10941; &#x2abd;
Mathematical ⪾ symbol &#10942; &#x2abe;
⪿ Mathematical ⪿ symbol &#10943; &#x2abf;
Mathematical ⫀ symbol &#10944; &#x2ac0;
Mathematical ⫁ symbol &#10945; &#x2ac1;
Mathematical ⫂ symbol &#10946; &#x2ac2;
Mathematical ⫃ symbol &#10947; &#x2ac3;
Mathematical ⫄ symbol &#10948; &#x2ac4;
Mathematical ⫅ symbol &#10949; &#x2ac5;
Mathematical ⫆ symbol &#10950; &#x2ac6;
Mathematical ⫇ symbol &#10951; &#x2ac7;
Mathematical ⫈ symbol &#10952; &#x2ac8;
Mathematical ⫉ symbol &#10953; &#x2ac9;
Mathematical ⫊ symbol &#10954; &#x2aca;
Mathematical ⫋ symbol &#10955; &#x2acb;
Mathematical ⫌ symbol &#10956; &#x2acc;
Mathematical ⫍ symbol &#10957; &#x2acd;
Mathematical ⫎ symbol &#10958; &#x2ace;
Mathematical ⫏ symbol &#10959; &#x2acf;
Mathematical ⫐ symbol &#10960; &#x2ad0;
Mathematical ⫑ symbol &#10961; &#x2ad1;
Mathematical ⫒ symbol &#10962; &#x2ad2;
Mathematical ⫓ symbol &#10963; &#x2ad3;
Mathematical ⫔ symbol &#10964; &#x2ad4;
Mathematical ⫕ symbol &#10965; &#x2ad5;
Mathematical ⫖ symbol &#10966; &#x2ad6;
Mathematical ⫗ symbol &#10967; &#x2ad7;
Mathematical ⫘ symbol &#10968; &#x2ad8;
Mathematical ⫙ symbol &#10969; &#x2ad9;
Mathematical ⫚ symbol &#10970; &#x2ada;
Mathematical ⫛ symbol &#10971; &#x2adb;
Mathematical ⫝̸ symbol &#10972; &#x2adc;
Mathematical ⫝ symbol &#10973; &#x2add;
Mathematical ⫞ symbol &#10974; &#x2ade;
Mathematical ⫟ symbol &#10975; &#x2adf;
Mathematical ⫠ symbol &#10976; &#x2ae0;
Mathematical ⫡ symbol &#10977; &#x2ae1;
Mathematical ⫢ symbol &#10978; &#x2ae2;
Mathematical ⫣ symbol &#10979; &#x2ae3;
Mathematical ⫤ symbol &#10980; &#x2ae4;
Mathematical ⫥ symbol &#10981; &#x2ae5;
Mathematical ⫦ symbol &#10982; &#x2ae6;
Mathematical ⫧ symbol &#10983; &#x2ae7;
Mathematical ⫨ symbol &#10984; &#x2ae8;
Mathematical ⫩ symbol &#10985; &#x2ae9;
Mathematical ⫪ symbol &#10986; &#x2aea;
Mathematical ⫫ symbol &#10987; &#x2aeb;
Mathematical ⫬ symbol &#10988; &#x2aec;
Mathematical ⫭ symbol &#10989; &#x2aed;
Mathematical ⫮ symbol &#10990; &#x2aee;
Mathematical ⫯ symbol &#10991; &#x2aef;
Mathematical ⫰ symbol &#10992; &#x2af0;
Mathematical ⫱ symbol &#10993; &#x2af1;
Mathematical ⫲ symbol &#10994; &#x2af2;
Mathematical ⫳ symbol &#10995; &#x2af3;
Mathematical ⫴ symbol &#10996; &#x2af4;
Mathematical ⫵ symbol &#10997; &#x2af5;
Mathematical ⫶ symbol &#10998; &#x2af6;
Mathematical ⫷ symbol &#10999; &#x2af7;
Mathematical ⫸ symbol &#11000; &#x2af8;
Mathematical ⫹ symbol &#11001; &#x2af9;
Mathematical ⫺ symbol &#11002; &#x2afa;
Mathematical ⫻ symbol &#11003; &#x2afb;
Mathematical ⫼ symbol &#11004; &#x2afc;
Mathematical ⫽ symbol &#11005; &#x2afd;
Mathematical ⫾ symbol &#11006; &#x2afe;
⫿ Mathematical ⫿ symbol &#11007; &#x2aff;
White medium star &#11088; &#x2b50;
Left angle bracket; Left chevron &#12296; &#x3008;
Right angle bracket; Right chevron &#12297; &#x3009;
Presentation form for vertical horizontal ellipsis &#65049; &#xfe19;
Full width asterisk &#65290; &#xff0a;
𝐀 Capital A bold; Capital 𝐀 bold &#119808; &#x1d400;
𝐁 Capital B bold; Capital 𝐁 bold &#119809; &#x1d401;
𝐂 Capital C bold; Capital 𝐂 bold &#119810; &#x1d402;
𝐃 Capital D bold; Capital 𝐃 bold &#119811; &#x1d403;
𝐄 Capital E bold; Capital 𝐄 bold &#119812; &#x1d404;
𝐅 Capital F bold; Capital 𝐅 bold &#119813; &#x1d405;
𝐆 Capital G bold; Capital 𝐆 bold &#119814; &#x1d406;
𝐇 Capital H bold; Capital 𝐇 bold &#119815; &#x1d407;
𝐈 Capital I bold; Capital 𝐈 bold &#119816; &#x1d408;
𝐉 Capital J bold; Capital 𝐉 bold &#119817; &#x1d409;
𝐊 Capital K bold; Capital 𝐊 bold &#119818; &#x1d40a;
𝐋 Capital L bold; Capital 𝐋 bold &#119819; &#x1d40b;
𝐌 Capital M bold; Capital 𝐌 bold &#119820; &#x1d40c;
𝐍 Capital N bold; Capital 𝐍 bold &#119821; &#x1d40d;
𝐎 Capital O bold; Capital 𝐎 bold &#119822; &#x1d40e;
𝐏 Capital P bold; Capital 𝐏 bold &#119823; &#x1d40f;
𝐐 Capital Q bold; Capital 𝐐 bold &#119824; &#x1d410;
𝐑 Capital R bold; Capital 𝐑 bold &#119825; &#x1d411;
𝐒 Capital S bold; Capital 𝐒 bold &#119826; &#x1d412;
𝐓 Capital T bold; Capital 𝐓 bold &#119827; &#x1d413;
𝐔 Capital U bold; Capital 𝐔 bold &#119828; &#x1d414;
𝐕 Capital V bold; Capital 𝐕 bold &#119829; &#x1d415;
𝐖 Capital W bold; Capital 𝐖 bold &#119830; &#x1d416;
𝐗 Capital X bold; Capital 𝐗 bold &#119831; &#x1d417;
𝐘 Capital Y bold; Capital 𝐘 bold &#119832; &#x1d418;
𝐙 Capital Z bold; Capital 𝐙 bold &#119833; &#x1d419;
𝐚 Lower case a bold; Lower case 𝐚 bold &#119834; &#x1d41a;
𝐛 Lower case b bold; Lower case 𝐛 bold &#119835; &#x1d41b;
𝐜 Lower case c bold; Lower case 𝐜 bold &#119836; &#x1d41c;
𝐝 Lower case d bold; Lower case 𝐝 bold &#119837; &#x1d41d;
𝐞 Lower case e bold; Lower case 𝐞 bold &#119838; &#x1d41e;
𝐟 Lower case f bold; Lower case 𝐟 bold &#119839; &#x1d41f;
𝐠 Lower case g bold; Lower case 𝐠 bold &#119840; &#x1d420;
𝐡 Lower case h bold; Lower case 𝐡 bold &#119841; &#x1d421;
𝐢 Lower case i bold; Lower case 𝐢 bold &#119842; &#x1d422;
𝐣 Lower case j bold; Lower case 𝐣 bold &#119843; &#x1d423;
𝐤 Lower case k bold; Lower case 𝐤 bold &#119844; &#x1d424;
𝐥 Lower case l bold; Lower case 𝐥 bold &#119845; &#x1d425;
𝐦 Lower case m bold; Lower case 𝐦 bold &#119846; &#x1d426;
𝐧 Lower case n bold; Lower case 𝐧 bold &#119847; &#x1d427;
𝐨 Lower case o bold; Lower case 𝐨 bold &#119848; &#x1d428;
𝐩 Lower case p bold; Lower case 𝐩 bold &#119849; &#x1d429;
𝐪 Lower case q bold; Lower case 𝐪 bold &#119850; &#x1d42a;
𝐫 Lower case r bold; Lower case 𝐫 bold &#119851; &#x1d42b;
𝐬 Lower case s bold; Lower case 𝐬 bold &#119852; &#x1d42c;
𝐭 Lower case t bold; Lower case 𝐭 bold &#119853; &#x1d42d;
𝐮 Lower case u bold; Lower case 𝐮 bold &#119854; &#x1d42e;
𝐯 Lower case v bold; Lower case 𝐯 bold &#119855; &#x1d42f;
𝐰 Lower case w bold; Lower case 𝐰 bold &#119856; &#x1d430;
𝐱 Lower case x bold; Lower case 𝐱 bold &#119857; &#x1d431;
𝐲 Lower case y bold; Lower case 𝐲 bold &#119858; &#x1d432;
𝐳 Lower case z bold; Lower case 𝐳 bold &#119859; &#x1d433;
𝐴 Capital A italic; Capital 𝐴 italic &#119860; &#x1d434;
𝐵 Capital B italic; Capital 𝐵 italic &#119861; &#x1d435;
𝐶 Capital C italic; Capital 𝐶 italic &#119862; &#x1d436;
𝐷 Capital D italic; Capital 𝐷 italic &#119863; &#x1d437;
𝐸 Capital E italic; Capital 𝐸 italic &#119864; &#x1d438;
𝐹 Capital F italic; Capital 𝐹 italic &#119865; &#x1d439;
𝐺 Capital G italic; Capital 𝐺 italic &#119866; &#x1d43a;
𝐻 Capital H italic; Capital 𝐻 italic &#119867; &#x1d43b;
𝐼 Capital I italic; Capital 𝐼 italic &#119868; &#x1d43c;
𝐽 Capital J italic; Capital 𝐽 italic &#119869; &#x1d43d;
𝐾 Capital K italic; Capital 𝐾 italic &#119870; &#x1d43e;
𝐿 Capital L italic; Capital 𝐿 italic &#119871; &#x1d43f;
𝑀 Capital M italic; Capital 𝑀 italic &#119872; &#x1d440;
𝑁 Capital N italic; Capital 𝑁 italic &#119873; &#x1d441;
𝑂 Capital O italic; Capital 𝑂 italic &#119874; &#x1d442;
𝑃 Capital P italic; Capital 𝑃 italic &#119875; &#x1d443;
𝑄 Capital Q italic; Capital 𝑄 italic &#119876; &#x1d444;
𝑅 Capital R italic; Capital 𝑅 italic &#119877; &#x1d445;
𝑆 Capital S italic; Capital 𝑆 italic &#119878; &#x1d446;
𝑇 Capital T italic; Capital 𝑇 italic &#119879; &#x1d447;
𝑈 Capital U italic; Capital 𝑈 italic &#119880; &#x1d448;
𝑉 Capital V italic; Capital 𝑉 italic &#119881; &#x1d449;
𝑊 Capital W italic; Capital 𝑊 italic &#119882; &#x1d44a;
𝑋 Capital X italic; Capital 𝑋 italic &#119883; &#x1d44b;
𝑌 Capital Y italic; Capital 𝑌 italic &#119884; &#x1d44c;
𝑍 Capital Z italic; Capital 𝑍 italic &#119885; &#x1d44d;
𝑎 Lower case a italic; Lower case 𝑎 italic &#119886; &#x1d44e;
𝑏 Lower case b italic; Lower case 𝑏 italic &#119887; &#x1d44f;
𝑐 Lower case c italic; Lower case 𝑐 italic &#119888; &#x1d450;
𝑑 Lower case d italic; Lower case 𝑑 italic &#119889; &#x1d451;
𝑒 Lower case e italic; Lower case 𝑒 italic &#119890; &#x1d452;
𝑓 Lower case f italic; Lower case 𝑓 italic &#119891; &#x1d453;
𝑔 Lower case g italic; Lower case 𝑔 italic &#119892; &#x1d454;
𝑖 Lower case i italic; Lower case 𝑖 italic &#119894; &#x1d456;
𝑗 Lower case j italic; Lower case 𝑗 italic &#119895; &#x1d457;
𝑘 Lower case k italic; Lower case 𝑘 italic &#119896; &#x1d458;
𝑙 Lower case l italic; Lower case 𝑙 italic &#119897; &#x1d459;
𝑚 Lower case m italic; Lower case 𝑚 italic &#119898; &#x1d45a;
𝑛 Lower case n italic; Lower case 𝑛 italic &#119899; &#x1d45b;
𝑜 Lower case o italic; Lower case 𝑜 italic &#119900; &#x1d45c;
𝑝 Lower case p italic; Lower case 𝑝 italic &#119901; &#x1d45d;
𝑞 Lower case q italic; Lower case 𝑞 italic &#119902; &#x1d45e;
𝑟 Lower case r italic; Lower case 𝑟 italic &#119903; &#x1d45f;
𝑠 Lower case s italic; Lower case 𝑠 italic &#119904; &#x1d460;
𝑡 Lower case t italic; Lower case 𝑡 italic &#119905; &#x1d461;
𝑢 Lower case u italic; Lower case 𝑢 italic &#119906; &#x1d462;
𝑣 Lower case v italic; Lower case 𝑣 italic &#119907; &#x1d463;
𝑤 Lower case w italic; Lower case 𝑤 italic &#119908; &#x1d464;
𝑥 Lower case x italic; Lower case 𝑥 italic &#119909; &#x1d465;
𝑦 Lower case y italic; Lower case 𝑦 italic &#119910; &#x1d466;
𝑧 Lower case z italic; Lower case 𝑧 italic &#119911; &#x1d467;
𝑨 Capital A bold italic; Capital 𝑨 bold italic &#119912; &#x1d468;
𝑩 Capital B bold italic; Capital 𝑩 bold italic &#119913; &#x1d469;
𝑪 Capital C bold italic; Capital 𝑪 bold italic &#119914; &#x1d46a;
𝑫 Capital D bold italic; Capital 𝑫 bold italic &#119915; &#x1d46b;
𝑬 Capital E bold italic; Capital 𝑬 bold italic &#119916; &#x1d46c;
𝑭 Capital F bold italic; Capital 𝑭 bold italic &#119917; &#x1d46d;
𝑮 Capital G bold italic; Capital 𝑮 bold italic &#119918; &#x1d46e;
𝑯 Capital H bold italic; Capital 𝑯 bold italic &#119919; &#x1d46f;
𝑰 Capital I bold italic; Capital 𝑰 bold italic &#119920; &#x1d470;
𝑱 Capital J bold italic; Capital 𝑱 bold italic &#119921; &#x1d471;
𝑲 Capital K bold italic; Capital 𝑲 bold italic &#119922; &#x1d472;
𝑳 Capital L bold italic; Capital 𝑳 bold italic &#119923; &#x1d473;
𝑴 Capital M bold italic; Capital 𝑴 bold italic &#119924; &#x1d474;
𝑵 Capital N bold italic; Capital 𝑵 bold italic &#119925; &#x1d475;
𝑶 Capital O bold italic; Capital 𝑶 bold italic &#119926; &#x1d476;
𝑷 Capital P bold italic; Capital 𝑷 bold italic &#119927; &#x1d477;
𝑸 Capital Q bold italic; Capital 𝑸 bold italic &#119928; &#x1d478;
𝑹 Capital R bold italic; Capital 𝑹 bold italic &#119929; &#x1d479;
𝑺 Capital S bold italic; Capital 𝑺 bold italic &#119930; &#x1d47a;
𝑻 Capital T bold italic; Capital 𝑻 bold italic &#119931; &#x1d47b;
𝑼 Capital U bold italic; Capital 𝑼 bold italic &#119932; &#x1d47c;
𝑽 Capital V bold italic; Capital 𝑽 bold italic &#119933; &#x1d47d;
𝑾 Capital W bold italic; Capital 𝑾 bold italic &#119934; &#x1d47e;
𝑿 Capital X bold italic; Capital 𝑿 bold italic &#119935; &#x1d47f;
𝒀 Capital Y bold italic; Capital 𝒀 bold italic &#119936; &#x1d480;
𝒁 Capital Z bold italic; Capital 𝒁 bold italic &#119937; &#x1d481;
𝒂 Lower case a bold italic; Lower case 𝒂 bold italic &#119938; &#x1d482;
𝒃 Lower case b bold italic; Lower case 𝒃 bold italic &#119939; &#x1d483;
𝒄 Lower case c bold italic; Lower case 𝒄 bold italic &#119940; &#x1d484;
𝒅 Lower case d bold italic; Lower case 𝒅 bold italic &#119941; &#x1d485;
𝒆 Lower case e bold italic; Lower case 𝒆 bold italic &#119942; &#x1d486;
𝒇 Lower case f bold italic; Lower case 𝒇 bold italic &#119943; &#x1d487;
𝒈 Lower case g bold italic; Lower case 𝒈 bold italic &#119944; &#x1d488;
𝒉 Lower case h bold italic; Lower case 𝒉 bold italic &#119945; &#x1d489;
𝒊 Lower case i bold italic; Lower case 𝒊 bold italic &#119946; &#x1d48a;
𝒋 Lower case j bold italic; Lower case 𝒋 bold italic &#119947; &#x1d48b;
𝒌 Lower case k bold italic; Lower case 𝒌 bold italic &#119948; &#x1d48c;
𝒍 Lower case l bold italic; Lower case 𝒍 bold italic &#119949; &#x1d48d;
𝒎 Lower case m bold italic; Lower case 𝒎 bold italic &#119950; &#x1d48e;
𝒏 Lower case n bold italic; Lower case 𝒏 bold italic &#119951; &#x1d48f;
𝒐 Lower case o bold italic; Lower case 𝒐 bold italic &#119952; &#x1d490;
𝒑 Lower case p bold italic; Lower case 𝒑 bold italic &#119953; &#x1d491;
𝒒 Lower case q bold italic; Lower case 𝒒 bold italic &#119954; &#x1d492;
𝒓 Lower case r bold italic; Lower case 𝒓 bold italic &#119955; &#x1d493;
𝒔 Lower case s bold italic; Lower case 𝒔 bold italic &#119956; &#x1d494;
𝒕 Lower case t bold italic; Lower case 𝒕 bold italic &#119957; &#x1d495;
𝒖 Lower case u bold italic; Lower case 𝒖 bold italic &#119958; &#x1d496;
𝒗 Lower case v bold italic; Lower case 𝒗 bold italic &#119959; &#x1d497;
𝒘 Lower case w bold italic; Lower case 𝒘 bold italic &#119960; &#x1d498;
𝒙 Lower case x bold italic; Lower case 𝒙 bold italic &#119961; &#x1d499;
𝒚 Lower case y bold italic; Lower case 𝒚 bold italic &#119962; &#x1d49a;
𝒛 Lower case z bold italic; Lower case 𝒛 bold italic &#119963; &#x1d49b;
𝒜 Capital A script; Capital 𝒜 script &#119964; &#x1d49c;
𝒞 Capital C script; Capital 𝒞 script &#119966; &#x1d49e;
𝒟 Capital D script; Capital 𝒟 script &#119967; &#x1d49f;
𝒢 Capital G script; Capital 𝒢 script &#119970; &#x1d4a2;
𝒥 Capital J script; Capital 𝒥 script &#119973; &#x1d4a5;
𝒦 Capital K script; Capital 𝒦 script &#119974; &#x1d4a6;
𝒩 Capital N script; Capital 𝒩 script &#119977; &#x1d4a9;
𝒪 Capital O script; Capital 𝒪 script &#119978; &#x1d4aa;
𝒫 Capital P script; Capital 𝒫 script &#119979; &#x1d4ab;
𝒬 Capital Q script; Capital 𝒬 script &#119980; &#x1d4ac;
𝒮 Capital S script; Capital 𝒮 script; System action in physics &#119982; &#x1d4ae;
𝒯 Capital T script; Capital 𝒯 script &#119983; &#x1d4af;
𝒰 Capital U script; Capital 𝒰 script &#119984; &#x1d4b0;
𝒱 Capital V script; Capital 𝒱 script &#119985; &#x1d4b1;
𝒲 Capital W script; Capital 𝒲 script &#119986; &#x1d4b2;
𝒳 Capital X script; Capital 𝒳 script &#119987; &#x1d4b3;
𝒴 Capital Y script; Capital 𝒴 script &#119988; &#x1d4b4;
𝒵 Capital Z script; Capital 𝒵 script &#119989; &#x1d4b5;
𝒶 Lower case a script; Lower case 𝒶 script &#119990; &#x1d4b6;
𝒷 Lower case b script; Lower case 𝒷 script &#119991; &#x1d4b7;
𝒸 Lower case c script; Lower case 𝒸 script &#119992; &#x1d4b8;
𝒹 Lower case d script; Lower case 𝒹 script &#119993; &#x1d4b9;
𝒻 Lower case f script; Lower case 𝒻 script &#119995; &#x1d4bb;
𝒽 Lower case h script; Lower case 𝒽 script &#119997; &#x1d4bd;
𝒾 Lower case i script; Lower case 𝒾 script &#119998; &#x1d4be;
𝒿 Lower case j script; Lower case 𝒿 script &#119999; &#x1d4bf;
𝓀 Lower case k script; Lower case 𝓀 script &#120000; &#x1d4c0;
𝓁 Lower case l script; Lower case 𝓁 script &#120001; &#x1d4c1;
𝓂 Lower case m script; Lower case 𝓂 script &#120002; &#x1d4c2;
𝓃 Lower case n script; Lower case 𝓃 script &#120003; &#x1d4c3;
𝓅 Lower case p script; Lower case 𝓅 script &#120005; &#x1d4c5;
𝓆 Lower case q script; Lower case 𝓆 script &#120006; &#x1d4c6;
𝓇 Lower case r script; Lower case 𝓇 script &#120007; &#x1d4c7;
𝓈 Lower case s script; Lower case 𝓈 script &#120008; &#x1d4c8;
𝓉 Lower case t script; Lower case 𝓉 script &#120009; &#x1d4c9;
𝓊 Lower case u script; Lower case 𝓊 script &#120010; &#x1d4ca;
𝓋 Lower case v script; Lower case 𝓋 script &#120011; &#x1d4cb;
𝓌 Lower case w script; Lower case 𝓌 script &#120012; &#x1d4cc;
𝓍 Lower case x script; Lower case 𝓍 script &#120013; &#x1d4cd;
𝓎 Lower case y script; Lower case 𝓎 script &#120014; &#x1d4ce;
𝓏 Lower case z script; Lower case 𝓏 script &#120015; &#x1d4cf;
𝓐 Capital A bold script; Capital 𝓐 bold script &#120016; &#x1d4d0;
𝓑 Capital B bold script; Capital 𝓑 bold script &#120017; &#x1d4d1;
𝓒 Capital C bold script; Capital 𝓒 bold script &#120018; &#x1d4d2;
𝓓 Capital D bold script; Capital 𝓓 bold script &#120019; &#x1d4d3;
𝓔 Capital E bold script; Capital 𝓔 bold script &#120020; &#x1d4d4;
𝓕 Capital F bold script; Capital 𝓕 bold script &#120021; &#x1d4d5;
𝓖 Capital G bold script; Capital 𝓖 bold script &#120022; &#x1d4d6;
𝓗 Capital H bold script; Capital 𝓗 bold script &#120023; &#x1d4d7;
𝓘 Capital I bold script; Capital 𝓘 bold script &#120024; &#x1d4d8;
𝓙 Capital J bold script; Capital 𝓙 bold script &#120025; &#x1d4d9;
𝓚 Capital K bold script; Capital 𝓚 bold script &#120026; &#x1d4da;
𝓛 Capital L bold script; Capital 𝓛 bold script &#120027; &#x1d4db;
𝓜 Capital M bold script; Capital 𝓜 bold script &#120028; &#x1d4dc;
𝓝 Capital N bold script; Capital 𝓝 bold script &#120029; &#x1d4dd;
𝓞 Capital O bold script; Capital 𝓞 bold script &#120030; &#x1d4de;
𝓟 Capital P bold script; Capital 𝓟 bold script &#120031; &#x1d4df;
𝓠 Capital Q bold script; Capital 𝓠 bold script &#120032; &#x1d4e0;
𝓡 Capital R bold script; Capital 𝓡 bold script &#120033; &#x1d4e1;
𝓢 Capital S bold script; Capital 𝓢 bold script &#120034; &#x1d4e2;
𝓣 Capital T bold script; Capital 𝓣 bold script &#120035; &#x1d4e3;
𝓤 Capital U bold script; Capital 𝓤 bold script &#120036; &#x1d4e4;
𝓥 Capital V bold script; Capital 𝓥 bold script &#120037; &#x1d4e5;
𝓦 Capital W bold script; Capital 𝓦 bold script &#120038; &#x1d4e6;
𝓧 Capital X bold script; Capital 𝓧 bold script &#120039; &#x1d4e7;
𝓨 Capital Y bold script; Capital 𝓨 bold script &#120040; &#x1d4e8;
𝓩 Capital Z bold script; Capital 𝓩 bold script &#120041; &#x1d4e9;
𝓪 Lower case a bold script; Lower case 𝓪 bold script &#120042; &#x1d4ea;
𝓫 Lower case b bold script; Lower case 𝓫 bold script &#120043; &#x1d4eb;
𝓬 Lower case c bold script; Lower case 𝓬 bold script &#120044; &#x1d4ec;
𝓭 Lower case d bold script; Lower case 𝓭 bold script &#120045; &#x1d4ed;
𝓮 Lower case e bold script; Lower case 𝓮 bold script &#120046; &#x1d4ee;
𝓯 Lower case f bold script; Lower case 𝓯 bold script &#120047; &#x1d4ef;
𝓰 Lower case g bold script; Lower case 𝓰 bold script &#120048; &#x1d4f0;
𝓱 Lower case h bold script; Lower case 𝓱 bold script &#120049; &#x1d4f1;
𝓲 Lower case i bold script; Lower case 𝓲 bold script &#120050; &#x1d4f2;
𝓳 Lower case j bold script; Lower case 𝓳 bold script &#120051; &#x1d4f3;
𝓴 Lower case k bold script; Lower case 𝓴 bold script &#120052; &#x1d4f4;
𝓵 Lower case l bold script; Lower case 𝓵 bold script &#120053; &#x1d4f5;
𝓶 Lower case m bold script; Lower case 𝓶 bold script &#120054; &#x1d4f6;
𝓷 Lower case n bold script; Lower case 𝓷 bold script &#120055; &#x1d4f7;
𝓸 Lower case o bold script; Lower case 𝓸 bold script &#120056; &#x1d4f8;
𝓹 Lower case p bold script; Lower case 𝓹 bold script &#120057; &#x1d4f9;
𝓺 Lower case q bold script; Lower case 𝓺 bold script &#120058; &#x1d4fa;
𝓻 Lower case r bold script; Lower case 𝓻 bold script &#120059; &#x1d4fb;
𝓼 Lower case s bold script; Lower case 𝓼 bold script &#120060; &#x1d4fc;
𝓽 Lower case t bold script; Lower case 𝓽 bold script &#120061; &#x1d4fd;
𝓾 Lower case u bold script; Lower case 𝓾 bold script &#120062; &#x1d4fe;
𝓿 Lower case v bold script; Lower case 𝓿 bold script &#120063; &#x1d4ff;
𝔀 Lower case w bold script; Lower case 𝔀 bold script &#120064; &#x1d500;
𝔁 Lower case x bold script; Lower case 𝔁 bold script &#120065; &#x1d501;
𝔂 Lower case y bold script; Lower case 𝔂 bold script &#120066; &#x1d502;
𝔃 Lower case z bold script; Lower case 𝔃 bold script &#120067; &#x1d503;
𝔄 Capital A fraktur; Capital 𝔄 fraktur &#120068; &#x1d504;
𝔅 Capital B fraktur; Capital 𝔅 fraktur &#120069; &#x1d505;
𝔇 Capital D fraktur; Capital 𝔇 fraktur &#120071; &#x1d507;
𝔈 Capital E fraktur; Capital 𝔈 fraktur &#120072; &#x1d508;
𝔉 Capital F fraktur; Capital 𝔉 fraktur &#120073; &#x1d509;
𝔊 Capital G fraktur; Capital 𝔊 fraktur &#120074; &#x1d50a;
𝔍 Capital J fraktur; Capital 𝔍 fraktur &#120077; &#x1d50d;
𝔎 Capital K fraktur; Capital 𝔎 fraktur &#120078; &#x1d50e;
𝔏 Capital L fraktur; Capital 𝔏 fraktur &#120079; &#x1d50f;
𝔐 Capital M fraktur; Capital 𝔐 fraktur &#120080; &#x1d510;
𝔑 Capital N fraktur; Capital 𝔑 fraktur &#120081; &#x1d511;
𝔒 Capital O fraktur; Capital 𝔒 fraktur &#120082; &#x1d512;
𝔓 Capital P fraktur; Capital 𝔓 fraktur &#120083; &#x1d513;
𝔔 Capital Q fraktur; Capital 𝔔 fraktur &#120084; &#x1d514;
𝔖 Capital S fraktur; Capital 𝔖 fraktur &#120086; &#x1d516;
𝔗 Capital T fraktur; Capital 𝔗 fraktur &#120087; &#x1d517;
𝔘 Capital U fraktur; Capital 𝔘 fraktur &#120088; &#x1d518;
𝔙 Capital V fraktur; Capital 𝔙 fraktur &#120089; &#x1d519;
𝔚 Capital W fraktur; Capital 𝔚 fraktur &#120090; &#x1d51a;
𝔛 Capital X fraktur; Capital 𝔛 fraktur &#120091; &#x1d51b;
𝔜 Capital Y fraktur; Capital 𝔜 fraktur &#120092; &#x1d51c;
𝔞 Lower case a fraktur; Lower case 𝔞 fraktur &#120094; &#x1d51e;
𝔟 Lower case b fraktur; Lower case 𝔟 fraktur &#120095; &#x1d51f;
𝔠 Lower case c fraktur; Lower case 𝔠 fraktur; Cardinality of the continuum symbol &#120096; &#x1d520;
𝔡 Lower case d fraktur; Lower case 𝔡 fraktur &#120097; &#x1d521;
𝔢 Lower case e fraktur; Lower case 𝔢 fraktur &#120098; &#x1d522;
𝔣 Lower case f fraktur; Lower case 𝔣 fraktur &#120099; &#x1d523;
𝔤 Lower case g fraktur; Lower case 𝔤 fraktur &#120100; &#x1d524;
𝔥 Lower case h fraktur; Lower case 𝔥 fraktur &#120101; &#x1d525;
𝔦 Lower case i fraktur; Lower case 𝔦 fraktur &#120102; &#x1d526;
𝔧 Lower case j fraktur; Lower case 𝔧 fraktur &#120103; &#x1d527;
𝔨 Lower case k fraktur; Lower case 𝔨 fraktur &#120104; &#x1d528;
𝔩 Lower case l fraktur; Lower case 𝔩 fraktur &#120105; &#x1d529;
𝔪 Lower case m fraktur; Lower case 𝔪 fraktur &#120106; &#x1d52a;
𝔫 Lower case n fraktur; Lower case 𝔫 fraktur &#120107; &#x1d52b;
𝔬 Lower case o fraktur; Lower case 𝔬 fraktur &#120108; &#x1d52c;
𝔭 Lower case p fraktur; Lower case 𝔭 fraktur &#120109; &#x1d52d;
𝔮 Lower case q fraktur; Lower case 𝔮 fraktur &#120110; &#x1d52e;
𝔯 Lower case r fraktur; Lower case 𝔯 fraktur &#120111; &#x1d52f;
𝔰 Lower case s fraktur; Lower case 𝔰 fraktur &#120112; &#x1d530;
𝔱 Lower case t fraktur; Lower case 𝔱 fraktur &#120113; &#x1d531;
𝔲 Lower case u fraktur; Lower case 𝔲 fraktur &#120114; &#x1d532;
𝔳 Lower case v fraktur; Lower case 𝔳 fraktur &#120115; &#x1d533;
𝔴 Lower case w fraktur; Lower case 𝔴 fraktur &#120116; &#x1d534;
𝔵 Lower case x fraktur; Lower case 𝔵 fraktur &#120117; &#x1d535;
𝔶 Lower case y fraktur; Lower case 𝔶 fraktur &#120118; &#x1d536;
𝔷 Lower case z fraktur; Lower case 𝔷 fraktur &#120119; &#x1d537;
𝔸 Capital A double-struck; Capital 𝔸 double-struck; Affine space symbol; Algebraic numbers symbol &#120120; &#x1d538;
𝔹 Capital B double-struck; Capital 𝔹 double-struck &#120121; &#x1d539;
𝔻 Capital D double-struck; Capital 𝔻 double-struck &#120123; &#x1d53b;
𝔼 Capital E double-struck; Capital 𝔼 double-struck &#120124; &#x1d53c;
𝔽 Capital F double-struck; Capital 𝔽 double-struck &#120125; &#x1d53d;
𝔾 Capital G double-struck; Capital 𝔾 double-struck &#120126; &#x1d53e;
𝕀 Capital I double-struck; Capital 𝕀 double-struck &#120128; &#x1d540;
𝕁 Capital J double-struck; Capital 𝕁 double-struck &#120129; &#x1d541;
𝕂 Capital K double-struck; Capital 𝕂 double-struck &#120130; &#x1d542;
𝕃 Capital L double-struck; Capital 𝕃 double-struck &#120131; &#x1d543;
𝕄 Capital M double-struck; Capital 𝕄 double-struck &#120132; &#x1d544;
𝕆 Capital O double-struck; Capital 𝕆 double-struck &#120134; &#x1d546;
𝕊 Capital S double-struck; Capital 𝕊 double-struck &#120138; &#x1d54a;
𝕋 Capital T double-struck; Capital 𝕋 double-struck &#120139; &#x1d54b;
𝕌 Capital U double-struck; Capital 𝕌 double-struck &#120140; &#x1d54c;
𝕍 Capital V double-struck; Capital 𝕍 double-struck &#120141; &#x1d54d;
𝕎 Capital W double-struck; Capital 𝕎 double-struck &#120142; &#x1d54e;
𝕏 Capital X double-struck; Capital 𝕏 double-struck &#120143; &#x1d54f;
𝕐 Capital Y double-struck; Capital 𝕐 double-struck &#120144; &#x1d550;
𝕒 Lower case a double-struck; Lower case 𝕒 double-struck &#120146; &#x1d552;
𝕓 Lower case b double-struck; Lower case 𝕓 double-struck &#120147; &#x1d553;
𝕔 Lower case c double-struck; Lower case 𝕔 double-struck &#120148; &#x1d554;
𝕕 Lower case d double-struck; Lower case 𝕕 double-struck &#120149; &#x1d555;
𝕖 Lower case e double-struck; Lower case 𝕖 double-struck &#120150; &#x1d556;
𝕗 Lower case f double-struck; Lower case 𝕗 double-struck &#120151; &#x1d557;
𝕘 Lower case g double-struck; Lower case 𝕘 double-struck &#120152; &#x1d558;
𝕙 Lower case h double-struck; Lower case 𝕙 double-struck &#120153; &#x1d559;
𝕚 Lower case i double-struck; Lower case 𝕚 double-struck &#120154; &#x1d55a;
𝕛 Lower case j double-struck; Lower case 𝕛 double-struck &#120155; &#x1d55b;
𝕜 Lower case k double-struck; Lower case 𝕜 double-struck &#120156; &#x1d55c;
𝕝 Lower case l double-struck; Lower case 𝕝 double-struck &#120157; &#x1d55d;
𝕞 Lower case m double-struck; Lower case 𝕞 double-struck &#120158; &#x1d55e;
𝕟 Lower case n double-struck; Lower case 𝕟 double-struck &#120159; &#x1d55f;
𝕠 Lower case o double-struck; Lower case 𝕠 double-struck &#120160; &#x1d560;
𝕡 Lower case p double-struck; Lower case 𝕡 double-struck &#120161; &#x1d561;
𝕢 Lower case q double-struck; Lower case 𝕢 double-struck &#120162; &#x1d562;
𝕣 Lower case r double-struck; Lower case 𝕣 double-struck &#120163; &#x1d563;
𝕤 Lower case s double-struck; Lower case 𝕤 double-struck &#120164; &#x1d564;
𝕥 Lower case t double-struck; Lower case 𝕥 double-struck &#120165; &#x1d565;
𝕦 Lower case u double-struck; Lower case 𝕦 double-struck &#120166; &#x1d566;
𝕧 Lower case v double-struck; Lower case 𝕧 double-struck &#120167; &#x1d567;
𝕨 Lower case w double-struck; Lower case 𝕨 double-struck &#120168; &#x1d568;
𝕩 Lower case x double-struck; Lower case 𝕩 double-struck &#120169; &#x1d569;
𝕪 Lower case y double-struck; Lower case 𝕪 double-struck &#120170; &#x1d56a;
𝕫 Lower case z double-struck; Lower case 𝕫 double-struck &#120171; &#x1d56b;
𝕬 Capital A bold fraktur; Capital 𝕬 bold fraktur &#120172; &#x1d56c;
𝕭 Capital B bold fraktur; Capital 𝕭 bold fraktur &#120173; &#x1d56d;
𝕮 Capital C bold fraktur; Capital 𝕮 bold fraktur &#120174; &#x1d56e;
𝕯 Capital D bold fraktur; Capital 𝕯 bold fraktur &#120175; &#x1d56f;
𝕰 Capital E bold fraktur; Capital 𝕰 bold fraktur &#120176; &#x1d570;
𝕱 Capital F bold fraktur; Capital 𝕱 bold fraktur &#120177; &#x1d571;
𝕲 Capital G bold fraktur; Capital 𝕲 bold fraktur &#120178; &#x1d572;
𝕳 Capital H bold fraktur; Capital 𝕳 bold fraktur &#120179; &#x1d573;
𝕴 Capital I bold fraktur; Capital 𝕴 bold fraktur &#120180; &#x1d574;
𝕵 Capital J bold fraktur; Capital 𝕵 bold fraktur &#120181; &#x1d575;
𝕶 Capital K bold fraktur; Capital 𝕶 bold fraktur &#120182; &#x1d576;
𝕷 Capital L bold fraktur; Capital 𝕷 bold fraktur &#120183; &#x1d577;
𝕸 Capital M bold fraktur; Capital 𝕸 bold fraktur &#120184; &#x1d578;
𝕹 Capital N bold fraktur; Capital 𝕹 bold fraktur &#120185; &#x1d579;
𝕺 Capital O bold fraktur; Capital 𝕺 bold fraktur &#120186; &#x1d57a;
𝕻 Capital P bold fraktur; Capital 𝕻 bold fraktur &#120187; &#x1d57b;
𝕼 Capital Q bold fraktur; Capital 𝕼 bold fraktur &#120188; &#x1d57c;
𝕽 Capital R bold fraktur; Capital 𝕽 bold fraktur &#120189; &#x1d57d;
𝕾 Capital S bold fraktur; Capital 𝕾 bold fraktur &#120190; &#x1d57e;
𝕿 Capital T bold fraktur; Capital 𝕿 bold fraktur &#120191; &#x1d57f;
𝖀 Capital U bold fraktur; Capital 𝖀 bold fraktur &#120192; &#x1d580;
𝖁 Capital V bold fraktur; Capital 𝖁 bold fraktur &#120193; &#x1d581;
𝖂 Capital W bold fraktur; Capital 𝖂 bold fraktur &#120194; &#x1d582;
𝖃 Capital X bold fraktur; Capital 𝖃 bold fraktur &#120195; &#x1d583;
𝖄 Capital Y bold fraktur; Capital 𝖄 bold fraktur &#120196; &#x1d584;
𝖅 Capital Z bold fraktur; Capital 𝖅 bold fraktur &#120197; &#x1d585;
𝖆 Lower case a bold fraktur; Lower case 𝖆 bold fraktur &#120198; &#x1d586;
𝖇 Lower case b bold fraktur; Lower case 𝖇 bold fraktur &#120199; &#x1d587;
𝖈 Lower case c bold fraktur; Lower case 𝖈 bold fraktur &#120200; &#x1d588;
𝖉 Lower case d bold fraktur; Lower case 𝖉 bold fraktur &#120201; &#x1d589;
𝖊 Lower case e bold fraktur; Lower case 𝖊 bold fraktur &#120202; &#x1d58a;
𝖋 Lower case f bold fraktur; Lower case 𝖋 bold fraktur &#120203; &#x1d58b;
𝖌 Lower case g bold fraktur; Lower case 𝖌 bold fraktur &#120204; &#x1d58c;
𝖍 Lower case h bold fraktur; Lower case 𝖍 bold fraktur &#120205; &#x1d58d;
𝖎 Lower case i bold fraktur; Lower case 𝖎 bold fraktur &#120206; &#x1d58e;
𝖏 Lower case j bold fraktur; Lower case 𝖏 bold fraktur &#120207; &#x1d58f;
𝖐 Lower case k bold fraktur; Lower case 𝖐 bold fraktur &#120208; &#x1d590;
𝖑 Lower case l bold fraktur; Lower case 𝖑 bold fraktur &#120209; &#x1d591;
𝖒 Lower case m bold fraktur; Lower case 𝖒 bold fraktur &#120210; &#x1d592;
𝖓 Lower case n bold fraktur; Lower case 𝖓 bold fraktur &#120211; &#x1d593;
𝖔 Lower case o bold fraktur; Lower case 𝖔 bold fraktur &#120212; &#x1d594;
𝖕 Lower case p bold fraktur; Lower case 𝖕 bold fraktur &#120213; &#x1d595;
𝖖 Lower case q bold fraktur; Lower case 𝖖 bold fraktur &#120214; &#x1d596;
𝖗 Lower case r bold fraktur; Lower case 𝖗 bold fraktur &#120215; &#x1d597;
𝖘 Lower case s bold fraktur; Lower case 𝖘 bold fraktur &#120216; &#x1d598;
𝖙 Lower case t bold fraktur; Lower case 𝖙 bold fraktur &#120217; &#x1d599;
𝖚 Lower case u bold fraktur; Lower case 𝖚 bold fraktur &#120218; &#x1d59a;
𝖛 Lower case v bold fraktur; Lower case 𝖛 bold fraktur &#120219; &#x1d59b;
𝖜 Lower case w bold fraktur; Lower case 𝖜 bold fraktur &#120220; &#x1d59c;
𝖝 Lower case x bold fraktur; Lower case 𝖝 bold fraktur &#120221; &#x1d59d;
𝖞 Lower case y bold fraktur; Lower case 𝖞 bold fraktur &#120222; &#x1d59e;
𝖟 Lower case z bold fraktur; Lower case 𝖟 bold fraktur &#120223; &#x1d59f;
𝖠 Capital A sans-serif; Capital 𝖠 sans-serif &#120224; &#x1d5a0;
𝖡 Capital B sans-serif; Capital 𝖡 sans-serif &#120225; &#x1d5a1;
𝖢 Capital C sans-serif; Capital 𝖢 sans-serif &#120226; &#x1d5a2;
𝖣 Capital D sans-serif; Capital 𝖣 sans-serif &#120227; &#x1d5a3;
𝖤 Capital E sans-serif; Capital 𝖤 sans-serif &#120228; &#x1d5a4;
𝖥 Capital F sans-serif; Capital 𝖥 sans-serif &#120229; &#x1d5a5;
𝖦 Capital G sans-serif; Capital 𝖦 sans-serif &#120230; &#x1d5a6;
𝖧 Capital H sans-serif; Capital 𝖧 sans-serif &#120231; &#x1d5a7;
𝖨 Capital I sans-serif; Capital 𝖨 sans-serif &#120232; &#x1d5a8;
𝖩 Capital J sans-serif; Capital 𝖩 sans-serif &#120233; &#x1d5a9;
𝖪 Capital K sans-serif; Capital 𝖪 sans-serif &#120234; &#x1d5aa;
𝖫 Capital L sans-serif; Capital 𝖫 sans-serif &#120235; &#x1d5ab;
𝖬 Capital M sans-serif; Capital 𝖬 sans-serif &#120236; &#x1d5ac;
𝖭 Capital N sans-serif; Capital 𝖭 sans-serif &#120237; &#x1d5ad;
𝖮 Capital O sans-serif; Capital 𝖮 sans-serif &#120238; &#x1d5ae;
𝖯 Capital P sans-serif; Capital 𝖯 sans-serif &#120239; &#x1d5af;
𝖰 Capital Q sans-serif; Capital 𝖰 sans-serif &#120240; &#x1d5b0;
𝖱 Capital R sans-serif; Capital 𝖱 sans-serif &#120241; &#x1d5b1;
𝖲 Capital S sans-serif; Capital 𝖲 sans-serif &#120242; &#x1d5b2;
𝖳 Capital T sans-serif; Capital 𝖳 sans-serif &#120243; &#x1d5b3;
𝖴 Capital U sans-serif; Capital 𝖴 sans-serif &#120244; &#x1d5b4;
𝖵 Capital V sans-serif; Capital 𝖵 sans-serif &#120245; &#x1d5b5;
𝖶 Capital W sans-serif; Capital 𝖶 sans-serif &#120246; &#x1d5b6;
𝖷 Capital X sans-serif; Capital 𝖷 sans-serif &#120247; &#x1d5b7;
𝖸 Capital Y sans-serif; Capital 𝖸 sans-serif &#120248; &#x1d5b8;
𝖹 Capital Z sans-serif; Capital 𝖹 sans-serif &#120249; &#x1d5b9;
𝖺 Lower case a sans-serif; Lower case 𝖺 sans-serif &#120250; &#x1d5ba;
𝖻 Lower case b sans-serif; Lower case 𝖻 sans-serif &#120251; &#x1d5bb;
𝖼 Lower case c sans-serif; Lower case 𝖼 sans-serif &#120252; &#x1d5bc;
𝖽 Lower case d sans-serif; Lower case 𝖽 sans-serif &#120253; &#x1d5bd;
𝖾 Lower case e sans-serif; Lower case 𝖾 sans-serif &#120254; &#x1d5be;
𝖿 Lower case f sans-serif; Lower case 𝖿 sans-serif &#120255; &#x1d5bf;
𝗀 Lower case g sans-serif; Lower case 𝗀 sans-serif &#120256; &#x1d5c0;
𝗁 Lower case h sans-serif; Lower case 𝗁 sans-serif &#120257; &#x1d5c1;
𝗂 Lower case i sans-serif; Lower case 𝗂 sans-serif &#120258; &#x1d5c2;
𝗃 Lower case j sans-serif; Lower case 𝗃 sans-serif &#120259; &#x1d5c3;
𝗄 Lower case k sans-serif; Lower case 𝗄 sans-serif &#120260; &#x1d5c4;
𝗅 Lower case l sans-serif; Lower case 𝗅 sans-serif &#120261; &#x1d5c5;
𝗆 Lower case m sans-serif; Lower case 𝗆 sans-serif &#120262; &#x1d5c6;
𝗇 Lower case n sans-serif; Lower case 𝗇 sans-serif &#120263; &#x1d5c7;
𝗈 Lower case o sans-serif; Lower case 𝗈 sans-serif &#120264; &#x1d5c8;
𝗉 Lower case p sans-serif; Lower case 𝗉 sans-serif &#120265; &#x1d5c9;
𝗊 Lower case q sans-serif; Lower case 𝗊 sans-serif &#120266; &#x1d5ca;
𝗋 Lower case r sans-serif; Lower case 𝗋 sans-serif &#120267; &#x1d5cb;
𝗌 Lower case s sans-serif; Lower case 𝗌 sans-serif &#120268; &#x1d5cc;
𝗍 Lower case t sans-serif; Lower case 𝗍 sans-serif &#120269; &#x1d5cd;
𝗎 Lower case u sans-serif; Lower case 𝗎 sans-serif &#120270; &#x1d5ce;
𝗏 Lower case v sans-serif; Lower case 𝗏 sans-serif &#120271; &#x1d5cf;
𝗐 Lower case w sans-serif; Lower case 𝗐 sans-serif &#120272; &#x1d5d0;
𝗑 Lower case x sans-serif; Lower case 𝗑 sans-serif &#120273; &#x1d5d1;
𝗒 Lower case y sans-serif; Lower case 𝗒 sans-serif &#120274; &#x1d5d2;
𝗓 Lower case z sans-serif; Lower case 𝗓 sans-serif &#120275; &#x1d5d3;
𝗔 Capital A sans-serif bold; Capital 𝗔 sans-serif bold &#120276; &#x1d5d4;
𝗕 Capital B sans-serif bold; Capital 𝗕 sans-serif bold &#120277; &#x1d5d5;
𝗖 Capital C sans-serif bold; Capital 𝗖 sans-serif bold &#120278; &#x1d5d6;
𝗗 Capital D sans-serif bold; Capital 𝗗 sans-serif bold &#120279; &#x1d5d7;
𝗘 Capital E sans-serif bold; Capital 𝗘 sans-serif bold &#120280; &#x1d5d8;
𝗙 Capital F sans-serif bold; Capital 𝗙 sans-serif bold &#120281; &#x1d5d9;
𝗚 Capital G sans-serif bold; Capital 𝗚 sans-serif bold &#120282; &#x1d5da;
𝗛 Capital H sans-serif bold; Capital 𝗛 sans-serif bold &#120283; &#x1d5db;
𝗜 Capital I sans-serif bold; Capital 𝗜 sans-serif bold &#120284; &#x1d5dc;
𝗝 Capital J sans-serif bold; Capital 𝗝 sans-serif bold &#120285; &#x1d5dd;
𝗞 Capital K sans-serif bold; Capital 𝗞 sans-serif bold &#120286; &#x1d5de;
𝗟 Capital L sans-serif bold; Capital 𝗟 sans-serif bold &#120287; &#x1d5df;
𝗠 Capital M sans-serif bold; Capital 𝗠 sans-serif bold &#120288; &#x1d5e0;
𝗡 Capital N sans-serif bold; Capital 𝗡 sans-serif bold &#120289; &#x1d5e1;
𝗢 Capital O sans-serif bold; Capital 𝗢 sans-serif bold &#120290; &#x1d5e2;
𝗣 Capital P sans-serif bold; Capital 𝗣 sans-serif bold &#120291; &#x1d5e3;
𝗤 Capital Q sans-serif bold; Capital 𝗤 sans-serif bold &#120292; &#x1d5e4;
𝗥 Capital R sans-serif bold; Capital 𝗥 sans-serif bold &#120293; &#x1d5e5;
𝗦 Capital S sans-serif bold; Capital 𝗦 sans-serif bold &#120294; &#x1d5e6;
𝗧 Capital T sans-serif bold; Capital 𝗧 sans-serif bold &#120295; &#x1d5e7;
𝗨 Capital U sans-serif bold; Capital 𝗨 sans-serif bold &#120296; &#x1d5e8;
𝗩 Capital V sans-serif bold; Capital 𝗩 sans-serif bold &#120297; &#x1d5e9;
𝗪 Capital W sans-serif bold; Capital 𝗪 sans-serif bold &#120298; &#x1d5ea;
𝗫 Capital X sans-serif bold; Capital 𝗫 sans-serif bold &#120299; &#x1d5eb;
𝗬 Capital Y sans-serif bold; Capital 𝗬 sans-serif bold &#120300; &#x1d5ec;
𝗭 Capital Z sans-serif bold; Capital 𝗭 sans-serif bold &#120301; &#x1d5ed;
𝗮 Lower case a sans-serif bold; Lower case 𝗮 sans-serif bold &#120302; &#x1d5ee;
𝗯 Lower case b sans-serif bold; Lower case 𝗯 sans-serif bold &#120303; &#x1d5ef;
𝗰 Lower case c sans-serif bold; Lower case 𝗰 sans-serif bold &#120304; &#x1d5f0;
𝗱 Lower case d sans-serif bold; Lower case 𝗱 sans-serif bold &#120305; &#x1d5f1;
𝗲 Lower case e sans-serif bold; Lower case 𝗲 sans-serif bold &#120306; &#x1d5f2;
𝗳 Lower case f sans-serif bold; Lower case 𝗳 sans-serif bold &#120307; &#x1d5f3;
𝗴 Lower case g sans-serif bold; Lower case 𝗴 sans-serif bold &#120308; &#x1d5f4;
𝗵 Lower case h sans-serif bold; Lower case 𝗵 sans-serif bold &#120309; &#x1d5f5;
𝗶 Lower case i sans-serif bold; Lower case 𝗶 sans-serif bold &#120310; &#x1d5f6;
𝗷 Lower case j sans-serif bold; Lower case 𝗷 sans-serif bold &#120311; &#x1d5f7;
𝗸 Lower case k sans-serif bold; Lower case 𝗸 sans-serif bold &#120312; &#x1d5f8;
𝗹 Lower case l sans-serif bold; Lower case 𝗹 sans-serif bold &#120313; &#x1d5f9;
𝗺 Lower case m sans-serif bold; Lower case 𝗺 sans-serif bold &#120314; &#x1d5fa;
𝗻 Lower case n sans-serif bold; Lower case 𝗻 sans-serif bold &#120315; &#x1d5fb;
𝗼 Lower case o sans-serif bold; Lower case 𝗼 sans-serif bold &#120316; &#x1d5fc;
𝗽 Lower case p sans-serif bold; Lower case 𝗽 sans-serif bold &#120317; &#x1d5fd;
𝗾 Lower case q sans-serif bold; Lower case 𝗾 sans-serif bold &#120318; &#x1d5fe;
𝗿 Lower case r sans-serif bold; Lower case 𝗿 sans-serif bold &#120319; &#x1d5ff;
𝘀 Lower case s sans-serif bold; Lower case 𝘀 sans-serif bold &#120320; &#x1d600;
𝘁 Lower case t sans-serif bold; Lower case 𝘁 sans-serif bold &#120321; &#x1d601;
𝘂 Lower case u sans-serif bold; Lower case 𝘂 sans-serif bold &#120322; &#x1d602;
𝘃 Lower case v sans-serif bold; Lower case 𝘃 sans-serif bold &#120323; &#x1d603;
𝘄 Lower case w sans-serif bold; Lower case 𝘄 sans-serif bold &#120324; &#x1d604;
𝘅 Lower case x sans-serif bold; Lower case 𝘅 sans-serif bold &#120325; &#x1d605;
𝘆 Lower case y sans-serif bold; Lower case 𝘆 sans-serif bold &#120326; &#x1d606;
𝘇 Lower case z sans-serif bold; Lower case 𝘇 sans-serif bold &#120327; &#x1d607;
𝘈 Capital A sans-serif italic; Capital 𝘈 sans-serif italic &#120328; &#x1d608;
𝘉 Capital B sans-serif italic; Capital 𝘉 sans-serif italic &#120329; &#x1d609;
𝘊 Capital C sans-serif italic; Capital 𝘊 sans-serif italic &#120330; &#x1d60a;
𝘋 Capital D sans-serif italic; Capital 𝘋 sans-serif italic &#120331; &#x1d60b;
𝘌 Capital E sans-serif italic; Capital 𝘌 sans-serif italic &#120332; &#x1d60c;
𝘍 Capital F sans-serif italic; Capital 𝘍 sans-serif italic &#120333; &#x1d60d;
𝘎 Capital G sans-serif italic; Capital 𝘎 sans-serif italic &#120334; &#x1d60e;
𝘏 Capital H sans-serif italic; Capital 𝘏 sans-serif italic &#120335; &#x1d60f;
𝘐 Capital I sans-serif italic; Capital 𝘐 sans-serif italic &#120336; &#x1d610;
𝘑 Capital J sans-serif italic; Capital 𝘑 sans-serif italic &#120337; &#x1d611;
𝘒 Capital K sans-serif italic; Capital 𝘒 sans-serif italic &#120338; &#x1d612;
𝘓 Capital L sans-serif italic; Capital 𝘓 sans-serif italic &#120339; &#x1d613;
𝘔 Capital M sans-serif italic; Capital 𝘔 sans-serif italic &#120340; &#x1d614;
𝘕 Capital N sans-serif italic; Capital 𝘕 sans-serif italic &#120341; &#x1d615;
𝘖 Capital O sans-serif italic; Capital 𝘖 sans-serif italic &#120342; &#x1d616;
𝘗 Capital P sans-serif italic; Capital 𝘗 sans-serif italic &#120343; &#x1d617;
𝘘 Capital Q sans-serif italic; Capital 𝘘 sans-serif italic &#120344; &#x1d618;
𝘙 Capital R sans-serif italic; Capital 𝘙 sans-serif italic &#120345; &#x1d619;
𝘚 Capital S sans-serif italic; Capital 𝘚 sans-serif italic &#120346; &#x1d61a;
𝘛 Capital T sans-serif italic; Capital 𝘛 sans-serif italic &#120347; &#x1d61b;
𝘜 Capital U sans-serif italic; Capital 𝘜 sans-serif italic &#120348; &#x1d61c;
𝘝 Capital V sans-serif italic; Capital 𝘝 sans-serif italic &#120349; &#x1d61d;
𝘞 Capital W sans-serif italic; Capital 𝘞 sans-serif italic &#120350; &#x1d61e;
𝘟 Capital X sans-serif italic; Capital 𝘟 sans-serif italic &#120351; &#x1d61f;
𝘠 Capital Y sans-serif italic; Capital 𝘠 sans-serif italic &#120352; &#x1d620;
𝘡 Capital Z sans-serif italic; Capital 𝘡 sans-serif italic &#120353; &#x1d621;
𝘢 Lower case a sans-serif italic; Lower case 𝘢 sans-serif italic &#120354; &#x1d622;
𝘣 Lower case b sans-serif italic; Lower case 𝘣 sans-serif italic &#120355; &#x1d623;
𝘤 Lower case c sans-serif italic; Lower case 𝘤 sans-serif italic &#120356; &#x1d624;
𝘥 Lower case d sans-serif italic; Lower case 𝘥 sans-serif italic &#120357; &#x1d625;
𝘦 Lower case e sans-serif italic; Lower case 𝘦 sans-serif italic &#120358; &#x1d626;
𝘧 Lower case f sans-serif italic; Lower case 𝘧 sans-serif italic &#120359; &#x1d627;
𝘨 Lower case g sans-serif italic; Lower case 𝘨 sans-serif italic &#120360; &#x1d628;
𝘪 Lower case i sans-serif italic; Lower case 𝘪 sans-serif italic &#120362; &#x1d62a;
𝘫 Lower case j sans-serif italic; Lower case 𝘫 sans-serif italic &#120363; &#x1d62b;
𝘬 Lower case k sans-serif italic; Lower case 𝘬 sans-serif italic &#120364; &#x1d62c;
𝘭 Lower case l sans-serif italic; Lower case 𝘭 sans-serif italic &#120365; &#x1d62d;
𝘮 Lower case m sans-serif italic; Lower case 𝘮 sans-serif italic &#120366; &#x1d62e;
𝘯 Lower case n sans-serif italic; Lower case 𝘯 sans-serif italic &#120367; &#x1d62f;
𝘰 Lower case o sans-serif italic; Lower case 𝘰 sans-serif italic &#120368; &#x1d630;
𝘱 Lower case p sans-serif italic; Lower case 𝘱 sans-serif italic &#120369; &#x1d631;
𝘲 Lower case q sans-serif italic; Lower case 𝘲 sans-serif italic &#120370; &#x1d632;
𝘳 Lower case r sans-serif italic; Lower case 𝘳 sans-serif italic &#120371; &#x1d633;
𝘴 Lower case s sans-serif italic; Lower case 𝘴 sans-serif italic &#120372; &#x1d634;
𝘵 Lower case t sans-serif italic; Lower case 𝘵 sans-serif italic &#120373; &#x1d635;
𝘶 Lower case u sans-serif italic; Lower case 𝘶 sans-serif italic &#120374; &#x1d636;
𝘷 Lower case v sans-serif italic; Lower case 𝘷 sans-serif italic &#120375; &#x1d637;
𝘸 Lower case w sans-serif italic; Lower case 𝘸 sans-serif italic &#120376; &#x1d638;
𝘹 Lower case x sans-serif italic; Lower case 𝘹 sans-serif italic &#120377; &#x1d639;
𝘺 Lower case y sans-serif italic; Lower case 𝘺 sans-serif italic &#120378; &#x1d63a;
𝘻 Lower case z sans-serif italic; Lower case 𝘻 sans-serif italic &#120379; &#x1d63b;
𝘼 Capital A sans-serif bold italic; Capital 𝘼 sans-serif bold italic &#120380; &#x1d63c;
𝘽 Capital B sans-serif bold italic; Capital 𝘽 sans-serif bold italic &#120381; &#x1d63d;
𝘾 Capital C sans-serif bold italic; Capital 𝘾 sans-serif bold italic &#120382; &#x1d63e;
𝘿 Capital D sans-serif bold italic; Capital 𝘿 sans-serif bold italic &#120383; &#x1d63f;
𝙀 Capital E sans-serif bold italic; Capital 𝙀 sans-serif bold italic &#120384; &#x1d640;
𝙁 Capital F sans-serif bold italic; Capital 𝙁 sans-serif bold italic &#120385; &#x1d641;
𝙂 Capital G sans-serif bold italic; Capital 𝙂 sans-serif bold italic &#120386; &#x1d642;
𝙃 Capital H sans-serif bold italic; Capital 𝙃 sans-serif bold italic &#120387; &#x1d643;
𝙄 Capital I sans-serif bold italic; Capital 𝙄 sans-serif bold italic &#120388; &#x1d644;
𝙅 Capital J sans-serif bold italic; Capital 𝙅 sans-serif bold italic &#120389; &#x1d645;
𝙆 Capital K sans-serif bold italic; Capital 𝙆 sans-serif bold italic &#120390; &#x1d646;
𝙇 Capital L sans-serif bold italic; Capital 𝙇 sans-serif bold italic &#120391; &#x1d647;
𝙈 Capital M sans-serif bold italic; Capital 𝙈 sans-serif bold italic &#120392; &#x1d648;
𝙉 Capital N sans-serif bold italic; Capital 𝙉 sans-serif bold italic &#120393; &#x1d649;
𝙊 Capital O sans-serif bold italic; Capital 𝙊 sans-serif bold italic &#120394; &#x1d64a;
𝙋 Capital P sans-serif bold italic; Capital 𝙋 sans-serif bold italic &#120395; &#x1d64b;
𝙌 Capital Q sans-serif bold italic; Capital 𝙌 sans-serif bold italic &#120396; &#x1d64c;
𝙍 Capital R sans-serif bold italic; Capital 𝙍 sans-serif bold italic &#120397; &#x1d64d;
𝙎 Capital S sans-serif bold italic; Capital 𝙎 sans-serif bold italic &#120398; &#x1d64e;
𝙏 Capital T sans-serif bold italic; Capital 𝙏 sans-serif bold italic &#120399; &#x1d64f;
𝙐 Capital U sans-serif bold italic; Capital 𝙐 sans-serif bold italic &#120400; &#x1d650;
𝙑 Capital V sans-serif bold italic; Capital 𝙑 sans-serif bold italic &#120401; &#x1d651;
𝙒 Capital W sans-serif bold italic; Capital 𝙒 sans-serif bold italic &#120402; &#x1d652;
𝙓 Capital X sans-serif bold italic; Capital 𝙓 sans-serif bold italic &#120403; &#x1d653;
𝙔 Capital Y sans-serif bold italic; Capital 𝙔 sans-serif bold italic &#120404; &#x1d654;
𝙕 Capital Z sans-serif bold italic; Capital 𝙕 sans-serif bold italic &#120405; &#x1d655;
𝙖 Lower case a sans-serif bold italic; Lower case 𝙖 sans-serif bold italic &#120406; &#x1d656;
𝙗 Lower case b sans-serif bold italic; Lower case 𝙗 sans-serif bold italic &#120407; &#x1d657;
𝙘 Lower case c sans-serif bold italic; Lower case 𝙘 sans-serif bold italic &#120408; &#x1d658;
𝙙 Lower case d sans-serif bold italic; Lower case 𝙙 sans-serif bold italic &#120409; &#x1d659;
𝙚 Lower case e sans-serif bold italic; Lower case 𝙚 sans-serif bold italic &#120410; &#x1d65a;
𝙛 Lower case f sans-serif bold italic; Lower case 𝙛 sans-serif bold italic &#120411; &#x1d65b;
𝙜 Lower case g sans-serif bold italic; Lower case 𝙜 sans-serif bold italic &#120412; &#x1d65c;
𝙝 Lower case h sans-serif bold italic; Lower case 𝙝 sans-serif bold italic &#120413; &#x1d65d;
𝙞 Lower case i sans-serif bold italic; Lower case 𝙞 sans-serif bold italic &#120414; &#x1d65e;
𝙟 Lower case j sans-serif bold italic; Lower case 𝙟 sans-serif bold italic &#120415; &#x1d65f;
𝙠 Lower case k sans-serif bold italic; Lower case 𝙠 sans-serif bold italic &#120416; &#x1d660;
𝙡 Lower case l sans-serif bold italic; Lower case 𝙡 sans-serif bold italic &#120417; &#x1d661;
𝙢 Lower case m sans-serif bold italic; Lower case 𝙢 sans-serif bold italic &#120418; &#x1d662;
𝙣 Lower case n sans-serif bold italic; Lower case 𝙣 sans-serif bold italic &#120419; &#x1d663;
𝙤 Lower case o sans-serif bold italic; Lower case 𝙤 sans-serif bold italic &#120420; &#x1d664;
𝙥 Lower case p sans-serif bold italic; Lower case 𝙥 sans-serif bold italic &#120421; &#x1d665;
𝙦 Lower case q sans-serif bold italic; Lower case 𝙦 sans-serif bold italic &#120422; &#x1d666;
𝙧 Lower case r sans-serif bold italic; Lower case 𝙧 sans-serif bold italic &#120423; &#x1d667;
𝙨 Lower case s sans-serif bold italic; Lower case 𝙨 sans-serif bold italic &#120424; &#x1d668;
𝙩 Lower case t sans-serif bold italic; Lower case 𝙩 sans-serif bold italic &#120425; &#x1d669;
𝙪 Lower case u sans-serif bold italic; Lower case 𝙪 sans-serif bold italic &#120426; &#x1d66a;
𝙫 Lower case v sans-serif bold italic; Lower case 𝙫 sans-serif bold italic &#120427; &#x1d66b;
𝙬 Lower case w sans-serif bold italic; Lower case 𝙬 sans-serif bold italic &#120428; &#x1d66c;
𝙭 Lower case x sans-serif bold italic; Lower case 𝙭 sans-serif bold italic &#120429; &#x1d66d;
𝙮 Lower case y sans-serif bold italic; Lower case 𝙮 sans-serif bold italic &#120430; &#x1d66e;
𝙯 Lower case z sans-serif bold italic; Lower case 𝙯 sans-serif bold italic &#120431; &#x1d66f;
𝙰 Capital A monospaced; Capital 𝙰 monospaced &#120432; &#x1d670;
𝙱 Capital B monospaced; Capital 𝙱 monospaced &#120433; &#x1d671;
𝙲 Capital C monospaced; Capital 𝙲 monospaced &#120434; &#x1d672;
𝙳 Capital D monospaced; Capital 𝙳 monospaced &#120435; &#x1d673;
𝙴 Capital E monospaced; Capital 𝙴 monospaced &#120436; &#x1d674;
𝙵 Capital F monospaced; Capital 𝙵 monospaced &#120437; &#x1d675;
𝙶 Capital G monospaced; Capital 𝙶 monospaced &#120438; &#x1d676;
𝙷 Capital H monospaced; Capital 𝙷 monospaced &#120439; &#x1d677;
𝙸 Capital I monospaced; Capital 𝙸 monospaced &#120440; &#x1d678;
𝙹 Capital J monospaced; Capital 𝙹 monospaced &#120441; &#x1d679;
𝙺 Capital K monospaced; Capital 𝙺 monospaced &#120442; &#x1d67a;
𝙻 Capital L monospaced; Capital 𝙻 monospaced &#120443; &#x1d67b;
𝙼 Capital M monospaced; Capital 𝙼 monospaced &#120444; &#x1d67c;
𝙽 Capital N monospaced; Capital 𝙽 monospaced &#120445; &#x1d67d;
𝙾 Capital O monospaced; Capital 𝙾 monospaced &#120446; &#x1d67e;
𝙿 Capital P monospaced; Capital 𝙿 monospaced &#120447; &#x1d67f;
𝚀 Capital Q monospaced; Capital 𝚀 monospaced &#120448; &#x1d680;
𝚁 Capital R monospaced; Capital 𝚁 monospaced &#120449; &#x1d681;
𝚂 Capital S monospaced; Capital 𝚂 monospaced &#120450; &#x1d682;
𝚃 Capital T monospaced; Capital 𝚃 monospaced &#120451; &#x1d683;
𝚄 Capital U monospaced; Capital 𝚄 monospaced &#120452; &#x1d684;
𝚅 Capital V monospaced; Capital 𝚅 monospaced &#120453; &#x1d685;
𝚆 Capital W monospaced; Capital 𝚆 monospaced &#120454; &#x1d686;
𝚇 Capital X monospaced; Capital 𝚇 monospaced &#120455; &#x1d687;
𝚈 Capital Y monospaced; Capital 𝚈 monospaced &#120456; &#x1d688;
𝚉 Capital Z monospaced; Capital 𝚉 monospaced &#120457; &#x1d689;
𝚊 Lower case a monospaced; Lower case 𝚊 monospaced &#120458; &#x1d68a;
𝚋 Lower case b monospaced; Lower case 𝚋 monospaced &#120459; &#x1d68b;
𝚌 Lower case c monospaced; Lower case 𝚌 monospaced &#120460; &#x1d68c;
𝚍 Lower case d monospaced; Lower case 𝚍 monospaced &#120461; &#x1d68d;
𝚎 Lower case e monospaced; Lower case 𝚎 monospaced &#120462; &#x1d68e;
𝚏 Lower case f monospaced; Lower case 𝚏 monospaced &#120463; &#x1d68f;
𝚐 Lower case g monospaced; Lower case 𝚐 monospaced &#120464; &#x1d690;
𝚑 Lower case h monospaced; Lower case 𝚑 monospaced &#120465; &#x1d691;
𝚒 Lower case i monospaced; Lower case 𝚒 monospaced &#120466; &#x1d692;
𝚓 Lower case j monospaced; Lower case 𝚓 monospaced &#120467; &#x1d693;
𝚔 Lower case k monospaced; Lower case 𝚔 monospaced &#120468; &#x1d694;
𝚕 Lower case l monospaced; Lower case 𝚕 monospaced &#120469; &#x1d695;
𝚖 Lower case m monospaced; Lower case 𝚖 monospaced &#120470; &#x1d696;
𝚗 Lower case n monospaced; Lower case 𝚗 monospaced &#120471; &#x1d697;
𝚘 Lower case o monospaced; Lower case 𝚘 monospaced &#120472; &#x1d698;
𝚙 Lower case p monospaced; Lower case 𝚙 monospaced &#120473; &#x1d699;
𝚚 Lower case q monospaced; Lower case 𝚚 monospaced &#120474; &#x1d69a;
𝚛 Lower case r monospaced; Lower case 𝚛 monospaced &#120475; &#x1d69b;
𝚜 Lower case s monospaced; Lower case 𝚜 monospaced &#120476; &#x1d69c;
𝚝 Lower case t monospaced; Lower case 𝚝 monospaced &#120477; &#x1d69d;
𝚞 Lower case u monospaced; Lower case 𝚞 monospaced &#120478; &#x1d69e;
𝚟 Lower case v monospaced; Lower case 𝚟 monospaced &#120479; &#x1d69f;
𝚠 Lower case w monospaced; Lower case 𝚠 monospaced &#120480; &#x1d6a0;
𝚡 Lower case x monospaced; Lower case 𝚡 monospaced &#120481; &#x1d6a1;
𝚢 Lower case y monospaced; Lower case 𝚢 monospaced &#120482; &#x1d6a2;
𝚣 Lower case z monospaced; Lower case 𝚣 monospaced &#120483; &#x1d6a3;
𝟘 Number 0 double-struck; Number 𝟘 double-struck; Capital 𝟘 monospaced &#120792; &#x1d7d8;
𝟙 Number 1 double-struck; Number 𝟙 double-struck; Capital 𝟙 monospaced &#120793; &#x1d7d9;
𝟚 Number 2 double-struck; Number 𝟚 double-struck; Capital 𝟚 monospaced &#120794; &#x1d7da;
𝟛 Number 3 double-struck; Number 𝟛 double-struck; Capital 𝟛 monospaced &#120795; &#x1d7db;
𝟜 Number 4 double-struck; Number 𝟜 double-struck; Capital 𝟜 monospaced &#120796; &#x1d7dc;
𝟝 Number 5 double-struck; Number 𝟝 double-struck; Capital 𝟝 monospaced &#120797; &#x1d7dd;
𝟞 Number 6 double-struck; Number 𝟞 double-struck; Capital 𝟞 monospaced &#120798; &#x1d7de;
𝟟 Number 7 double-struck; Number 𝟟 double-struck; Capital 𝟟 monospaced &#120799; &#x1d7df;
𝟠 Number 8 double-struck; Number 𝟠 double-struck; Capital 𝟠 monospaced &#120800; &#x1d7e0;
𝟡 Number 9 double-struck; Number 𝟡 double-struck; Capital 𝟡 monospaced &#120801; &#x1d7e1;
😁 Grinning smiley with smiling eyes; Smiley 😁 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128513; &#x1f601;
😂 Smiley with tears from laughing; Smiley 😂 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128514; &#x1f602;
😃 Smiley with open mouth; Smiley 😃 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128515; &#x1f603;
😄 Smiley with open mouth and smiling eyes; Smiley 😄 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128516; &#x1f604;
😅 Smiley with open mouth and sweat; Smiley 😅 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128517; &#x1f605;
😆 Smiley with closed eyes laughing histerically; Smiley 😆 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128518; &#x1f606;
😇 Smiley with halo; Smiley 😇 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128519; &#x1f607;
😈 Smiley with devil horns; Smiley 😈 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128520; &#x1f608;
😉 Winking smiley; Smiley 😉 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128521; &#x1f609;
😊 Smiley with smiling eyes; Smiley 😊 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128522; &#x1f60a;
😋 Smiley with tongue sticking out; Smiley 😋 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128523; &#x1f60b;
😌 Smiley with relieved look; Smiley 😌 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128524; &#x1f60c;
😍 Smiley with heart-shaped eyes; Smiley in love; Smiley 😍 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128525; &#x1f60d;
😎 Smiley with sunglasse; Smiley 😎 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128526; &#x1f60e;
😏 Smiley with smirk; Smiley 😏 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128527; &#x1f60f;
😐 Smiley with neutral look; Smiley 😐 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128528; &#x1f610;
😒 Smiley with unamused look; Smiley 😒 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128530; &#x1f612;
😓 Nervous smiley with cold sweat; Smiley 😓 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128531; &#x1f613;
😔 Smiley with pensive look; Smiley with sleepy eyes; Smiley 😔 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128532; &#x1f614;
😖 Smiley with confounded face; Smiley holding back tears; Smiley 😖 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128534; &#x1f616;
😘 Smiley throwing a kiss winking with a heart; Smiley 😘 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128536; &#x1f618;
😚 Smiley blowing a kiss with eyes closed; Smiley 😚 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128538; &#x1f61a;
😜 Smiley sticking tongue out and winking; Smiley 😜 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128540; &#x1f61c;
😝 Smiley sticking it's tongue out; Smiley making fun; Smiley 😝 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128541; &#x1f61d;
😞 Smiley with frown and disappointed eyes; Smiley 😞 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128542; &#x1f61e;
😠 Smiley with angry face; Smiley 😠 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128544; &#x1f620;
😡 Smiley with angry pouting face; Smiley 😡 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128545; &#x1f621;
😢 Smiley with one tear crying; Smiley 😢 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128546; &#x1f622;
😣 Smiley with persevering face; Smiley with push; Smiley 😣 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128547; &#x1f623;
😤 Smiley with big puff of air coming out of mouth; Smiley 😤 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128548; &#x1f624;
😥 Smiley with disappointment and one drop of sweta; Smiley 😥 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128549; &#x1f625;
😨 Smiley with fearful look; Smiley 😨 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128552; &#x1f628;
😩 Smiley with weary expression; Smiley 😩 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128553; &#x1f629;
😪 Smiley with sleepy face; Smiley 😪 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128554; &#x1f62a;
😫 Smiley with angry expression; Smiley with tired expression; Smiley 😫 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128555; &#x1f62b;
😭 Smiley with crying eyes and a lot of tears; Smiley 😭 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128557; &#x1f62d;
😰 Smiley with worried face and cold sweat; Smiley 😰 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128560; &#x1f630;
😱 Smiley with face screaming in fear; Smiley scream; Smiley 😱 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128561; &#x1f631;
😲 Smiley with astonished expression; Smiley 😲 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128562; &#x1f632;
😳 Smiley flushed with embarassment; Smiley 😳 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128563; &#x1f633;
😵 Smiley with dizzy expression and x's for eyes; Smiley 😵 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128565; &#x1f635;
😶 Smiley with without a mouth; Smiley 😶 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128566; &#x1f636;
😷 Smiley with a medical mask; Smiley 😷 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128567; &#x1f637;
😸 Cat smiley grinning; Smiley 😸 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128568; &#x1f638;
😹 Cat smiley laughing with tears coming out; Smiley 😹 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128569; &#x1f639;
😺 Cat smiley smiling with open mouth; Smiley 😺 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128570; &#x1f63a;
😻 Cat smiley with heart-shaped eyes; Smiley 😻 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128571; &#x1f63b;
😼 Cat smiley with evil wry smile; Smiley 😼 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128572; &#x1f63c;
😽 Cat smiley with kissing closed eyes; Smiley 😽 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128573; &#x1f63d;
😾 Cat smiley with pouting expression; Smiley 😾 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128574; &#x1f63e;
😿 Cat smiley crying with tears coming out; Smiley 😿 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128575; &#x1f63f;
🙀 Cat smiley with weary look; Smiley 🙀 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128576; &#x1f640;
🙅 Face saying no good with hands; Smiley 🙅 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128581; &#x1f645;
🙆 Face with hands saying OK; Smiley 🙆 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128582; &#x1f646;
🙇 Person bowing deeply; Smiley 🙇 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128583; &#x1f647;
🙈 Monkey see no evil; Smiley 🙈 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128584; &#x1f648;
🙉 Monkey hear no evil; Smiley 🙉 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128585; &#x1f649;
🙊 Monkey speak no evil; Smiley 🙊 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128586; &#x1f64a;
🙋 Person raising right hand; Smiley 🙋 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128587; &#x1f64b;
🙌 Person raising both hands; Smiley 🙌 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128588; &#x1f64c;
🙍 Person frowning; Smiley 🙍 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128589; &#x1f64d;
🙎 Person with pouting face; Smiley 🙎 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128590; &#x1f64e;
🙏 Person with folded hands praying or pleading; Smiley 🙏 (Currently only supported in Firefox) &#128591; &#x1f64f;
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